22 Asian Legal Business | February 2025 poorly enforced, creating vulnerabilities as the business expanded,” Liu explains, stressing the need for governance to extend across the entire supply chain. While ESG compliance is gaining traction, Liu observes that domestic companies often lack awareness of its importance. “Many see ESG compliance as merely a regulatory task, responding only after risks materialize. This reactive approach often makes it difficult for lawyers to align with companies on proactive risk prevention,” Liu admits. Leveraging tools and staying vigilant Both lawyers emphasize that, beyond handling specific compliance cases, they have increasingly helped companies systematically review supply chain compliance. “Our team conducts comprehensive inspections of procurement, production, sales, and logistics to identify risks and provide compliance strategies,” says Guo Xiaoming. Liu Huaying highlights that due diligence is the cornerstone of such efforts, focusing on both external and internal factors. “Internally, it’s essential to clarify departmental roles, examine workflows, and evaluate collaboration between teams. This forms the basis for identifying compliance risks and crafting tailored risk management solutions,” Liu explains. Lawyers also stress that while supply chain management and compliance may seem tedious, technological tools can significantly reduce the burden. “For instance, Dow Jones sanctions screening tools or ZTE’s ECSS compliance system can enhance efficiency and lower risk,” Guo notes. Liu adds, “Cloud computing platforms allow companies to integrate upstream and downstream supply chain data efficiently, while IoT technology makes it possible to monitor goods, equipment, and logistics in real time, increasing transparency and responsiveness. AI further supports demand forecasting, inventory management, and transportation optimization, enabling more precise decision-making.” For legal professionals, these tools are invaluable for accessing real-time data, analyzing risks, and developing effective strategies. “They help us provide companies with more accurate, actionable advice,” says Liu. As the world enters the “Trump 2.0 era” in January 2025, global uncertainties are expected to intensify. Liu predicts heightened U.S.-China competition, with China’s industrial upgrading challenging traditional manufacturing powerhouses in the West. “Rising de-globalization, sanctions, and export controls stemming from regional conflicts will further strain global supply chain coordination.” She also flags ESG as an escalating challenge. “Amid global warming and China’s carbon neutrality goals, coupled with increasing sanctions tied to human rights, companies face greater governance, oversight, and disclosure obligations in supply chain ESG management.” Guo stresses the need for proactive strategies to strengthen supply chains. He recommends diversifying sourcing, regionalizing production with multiple bases to reduce dependency, and building effective risk management systems while optimizing inventory reserves. He also underscores the importance of digitalization, urging companies to invest in R&D and use digital tools to monitor and predict risks. Sustainability should also be integrated into supply chain practices, prioritizing environmental protection and labour rights. These steps, Guo concludes, can help businesses navigate challenges and build resilience. 2024年底,比亚迪在巴西的一家电动车 工厂因劳工待遇事件被临时关闭,中国 企业的全球供应链合规问题再度受到 关注。事实上,后疫情时代,全球政局风 云变幻,ESG大旗被不断举起,中国企 业的供应链开始遭遇重重挑战。2023 年底,中国启动举办年度性的“国际供 应链促进博览会”,希望在重点产业, 协助企业搭建更具韧性的供应链体系。 Compliance 虽然挑战十分多元,但企业如今也 有更多科技工具,用以展开供应链管理 及风险防范。此外,中国律师在协助企 业应对供应链危机、展开供应链合规方 面也积累起更丰富的经验。 外部挑战加剧 中国的经济体量,意味着其在世界供应 链中扮演着举足轻重的角色,中国企业 既是全球其他企业的供应商,也是采购 者,但过去两年复杂的国际局势、各国 对法律工具的频繁运用,给供应链正常 运转带来了极大压力。 通商律师事务所合伙人郭小明律 师重点服务于半导体、高端制造、生物 科技等产业的供应链合规问题,他告诉 ALB,目前中国企业面临的供应链挑战 主要来自两方面。 “首先,企业在维持自身供应链稳 定上遭受挑战。由于一系列经济制裁与 出口管制措施,部分中国企业在技术、 生产原材料、基础设施设备等方面的供 应受阻。”郭律师说。 他举例道,“在技术供应环节,一些 先进的芯片制程技术及相关设计软件、 工业自动化控制技术、生物医药研发技 术等受到封锁,中游制造产能因此受 限;生产原材料供应环节,半导体产业 需要的高纯度硅片、稀有金属材料,生 物医药产业需要的原料药、药用辅料, 机械制造产业需要的高性能合金等的 获取受限,导致部分企业原材料短缺”。 “基础设施和科研设备供应环节 也存在风险,例如美国对光刻机、刻蚀 机等芯片制造高端设备的出口管制, 对流式细胞仪、质谱仪等的出口禁令, 阻碍企业科研创新和产品制造。这些 方面都对企业供应链稳定造成重大 压力。” 此外,供应链问题还会导致中国企 业出海受阻,难以进入海外市场。 郭律师举了个典型的例子:在机 械制造产业,美国的《购买美国货法案》 (Buy American Act)对联邦政府采 购项目中使用的机械产品提出了严格 的“美国制造”要求。“这意味着中国机 械制造企业若想参与美国联邦政府采 购项目,其产品从原材料采购、零部件 制造到最终组装,都需满足该法案规定 的‘美国成分’比例标准”。 “类似的法律法规和行业标准还 有很多,它们从技术、成分、质量、安全 等多个供应链因素角度对中国企业出 海构成障碍。”郭律师坦言。