24 Asian Legal Business | February 2025 percent, with real estate, energy, technology, and tourism standing out as key development highlights. Hebei Province saw a 5.2 percent GDP growth rate last year, with one of the biggest milestones being Tangshan’s entry into the trillion-yuan GDP club. While achieving a green transformation in its steel industry, Tangshan has also pursued maritime development, strengthening its position as the largest port in northern China. Lastly, Liaoning Province recorded a 5.1 percent GDP growth rate, where investments played a key role in economic expansion. While these macroeconomic changes present new opportunities for the legal services market, they also drive law firms to accelerate business innovation and enhance modern, full-service, and international capabilities. At the beginning of 2025, GDP figures from various provinces and cities across China were released, with the three provinces and one municipality in the Circum-Bohai Sea region achieving notable results. The region’s development momentum can be summarized by two key terms: “innovation” and “transformation.” Currently, the Circum-Bohai Sea area is home to five cities with GDPs exceeding one trillion yuan, playing an increasingly significant role in China’s economic landscape. Specifically, Shandong Province ranked third nationwide in GDP and remained the top economic powerhouse in the Circum-Bohai region, with a 4.6 percent growth rate last year. Tianjin, as a directly administered municipality, recorded a GDP growth rate of 5.1 Ranking by Asian Legal Business, text by Hu Yangxiaoxiao 排名:《亚洲法律杂志》,作者:胡阳潇潇 2025 ALB China Regional Ranking: Circum-Bohai Sea Area 2024 ALB China Regional Ranking: Circum-Bohai Sea Area 区域市场排名:环渤海地区 ALB China’s first regional ranking in 2025 focuses on the three provinces and one municipality in the Circum-Bohai Sea area — Liaoning, Hebei, Shandong, and Tianjin —highlighting outstanding law firms and exceptional individual lawyers. 2025年,ALB China首个区域榜单关注于环渤海地区的三省一市:即辽宁、河北、山东、天津的优 秀律师事务所及杰出律师个体。过去一年,环渤海地区呈现出强势的增长势头,涌现不少发展亮 点,这也为该区域法律服务市场的持续发展提供了良好基础。 This year’s ALB China Circum-Bohai ranking consists of three sections. The first is the Law Firms category, where a total of 25 law firms made the list, with five new entries: Docvit, Hiways, Kangda, Landing, and Zhuozheng. The second is the Rising Lawyers category, which recognized 20 outstanding lawyers, including 16 working at national law firms and four at local firms. The third is the Client Choice Lawyers category, newly added in 2025, featuring ten lawyers nominated by clients. SGLA Law Firm was ranked among the top firms in the Circum-Bohai region this year. Additionally, Sun Tingchao from its Dalian office was listed as a rising lawyer, while Huang Zhe and Sun Ping, also from the Dalian office, were recognized as client choice lawyers. SGLA’s two offices in the region, Dalian and Tianjin, have nearly 300 profes-