34 Asian Legal Business | February 2025 Regional reshaping 重塑区域市场版图 Regional market The Chinese legal market is witnessing a significant shift in its competitive landscape. Regional lawyers are increasingly finding their local territories challenged by heavyweight competitors from the Major Chinese law firms from Beijing and Shanghai are aggressively expanding into regional markets amid uneven post-pandemic recovery. Regional firms are countering this challenge by deepening local expertise and developing niche specializations to maintain their competitive edge. By Hu Yangxiaoxiao 来自北京、上海的全国性综合律所不断下沉业务,“占领”区域法律市场的招投标名单, 这给区域本土律所带来多重挑战,但也促使他们提升策略、扩大布局。 作者:胡阳潇潇 state-owned enterprise in our city, more than a dozen firms competed—most of them were large firms, including those headquartered in Beijing and Shanghai,” says a lawyer from the nation’s largest cities. Law firms bearing “Beijing” and “Shanghai” in their names are increasingly appearing on bid lists for regional legal projects. “For a legal advisory project of a