28 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS – DECEMBER 2023 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM Can you highlight standout deals or projects from the past year that contributed to your recognition as Dealmaker of the Year? One of the standout deals contributing to my recognition as Dealmaker of the Year was the IDR53 trillion spin-off of Indihome’s consumer broadband business from Telkom to Telkomsel, creating the first ever Fixed Mobile Convergence system in Indonesia. Our team played a crucial role in this deal, practically the most challenging part, as we assist Telkom in the structuring, drafting and negotiation of transaction documents for the assignment of more than 2,000 contracts with third party vendors and strategic partners related to Indihome’s internet consumer business and around 8 million of Indihome consumers, making it the largest asset M&A deal in Indonesia’s history. The success of this complex spin-off and restructuring transaction was recognized as Indonesia’s 2023 M&A Deal of the Year at ALB Indonesia Law Award and highlights our commitment to ensuring a smooth transition of these crucial businesses to Telkomsel while managing relationships with Telkom’s customers and vendors. How do you stay ahead of industry trends and stay agile in Indonesia’s dynamic M&A landscape? By getting things done for our clients! You will be surprised to hear that I have encountered so many clients who complained that most lawyers are often acting like “no police”, good at issues spotting but terrible at problem solving. This is regrettable. Our commitment to ‘gets things done’ is not just an empty slogan but a guiding principle in all of our actions to help our clients solving their toughest problem in the most efficient manner. One way to achieve that goal is by maintaining open lines of communication and fostering strong relationships with the clients, allowing us to gain valuable insights into the specific demands of our clients and the broader market. This client-centric focus also enables us to anticipate industry trends, identify emerging opportunities, and respond swiftly to changes in the M&A landscape. What strategies do you use to foster trust with clients? Can you share an instance where your client engagement skills played a crucial role in a successful deal? To build trust with clients, we prioritize transparent communication, consistent demonstration of expertise, and most importantly, long-term loyalty and dedication. We want to make sure that clients understand that we are here to stay because that is the best way of running a mutually beneficial relationship. Our strong ties with government officials and state-owned enterprises also help a lot in building trust with private enterprises, as they position us as a trusted intermediary capable of navigating the complex business landscape in Indonesia. In a key instance, faced with a deadlock for almost two years before our involvement, our close relationships with multiple important stakeholders allowed us to facilitate communication and trust among them. This not only broke the impasse but streamlined negotiations, turning a seemingly insurmountable challenge into a successful multibillion dollar project financing deal. Our ability to connect parties and navigate regulations proved essential in fostering trust and achieving positive outcomes for our clients. Reflecting on the past year, how did effective teamwork within your legal team contribute to positive outcomes for your clients? We are one of the firms in Indonesia that take specialization seriously as we want to make sure that our clients always get the right lawyer with the right expertise. With legal specialists in various field of industry, we approach deals and cases comprehensively, ensuring a diverse perspective yet united in terms of goal. Our open communication channels among team members also facilitate the seamless exchange of information and ideas, empowering each of our lawyers to contribute their unique insights for the benefit of our clients. I sincerely believe that we owe our exponential growth in the past six years to the above commitment as it enables us to tackle challenges strategically, providing clients with tailored and strategic legal solutions at all times. Pramudya A. Oktavinanda Managing Partner, UMBRA – Strategic Legal Solutions Indonesia Tel: (62) 21 5082 0999 E-mail: Website: