14 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 DECEMBER 2023 COVER STORY importance of cross-border capabilities for in-house teams, particularly for new energy companies venturing overseas. As these companies face compliance risks, IP risks, risks of after-sales disputes, and investment risks, Chen believes that a professional in-house team with a global vision plays a crucial role in boosting confidence and firming the determination of the management to ‘go global’. The in-house team at Eve Energy’s Legal Center actively contributes to partnership projects, relying on mature international practices and proposing creative risk control plans. Mengniu’s compliance management team underscores the significance of comprehensive risk management and control as Mengniu deepens its internationalization strategy. The team plans to optimize the compliance organization of overseas companies, clarify management responsibilities, strengthen communication and reporting on major compliance risk management, establish violation reporting management, smooth global compliance reporting channels, and promote Mengniu’s core values and compliance culture globally to support compliance in its global operations. TEAM MANAGEMENT To maximize their impact, in-house teams must implement sophisticated team management strategies to cultivate a stronger self-driving force. Chen highlights the need for Eve Energy’s in-house team to establish and reinforce regional capabilities as the company globalizes while adhering to global centralized vertical management. This strategy is crucial for navigating complex and ever-changing foreign legal environments. Chen emphasizes the importance of high localization levels for regional in-house teams, advocating the recruitment of experienced legal talents from host countries. “As Eve Energy expands globally, the central management of a cross-cultural in-house team and the enhancement of middle- and back-office support capabilities at the headquarters are challenging tasks for the future that must be executed effectively.” 转眼间,2023年即将收尾。回 首这一年,公司法务团队承载着更多 期盼与压力,面对着动荡不安的国内 外局势和复杂多变的商业环境,全 方位支持、甚至推动着公司不断前 进。ALB再次聚焦这些不可或缺的团 队,依据法务工作的复杂程度、创新 思维和卓越表现等标准,评选出中国 各行各业顶尖的法务团队。部分上榜 团队向ALB分享了这一年法务工作 的点点滴滴。 精心耕耘 2023年,各行业、各板块的运行状况 和发展走势不尽相同,各类公司需要 面对的法律问题也千差万别,所有上 榜法务团队依据各自行业和公司所 处的环境,精心维护和强化着法务工 作体系,纷纷收获了格外充实的一年。 南方电网国际有限公司总法律 顾问吴晓辉介绍道,依凭着公司近一 两年大力推进境外新项目的开发,公 司法务团队参与多个重大项目,取得 了颇具亮点的业绩。 “2021-2023年,公司法务团队 深度全程参与中标智利高压直流输电 绿地投资项目及换流站EPC总承包工 程项目、签约收购秘鲁最大配电公司 控股权项目,在法律尽职调查、交易 结构设计、财务模型与估值、并购保 证保险、风险识别评估与管控、联合 体协议、股东协议、EPC总承包合同 及股权收购协议谈判等方面发挥了 不可替代的作用。” 今年南方电网国际有限公司还 签约了两个境外大项目,“我们法务 团队的同事都前往项目东道国、一线 深入参与,在法律尽调、项目关键协 议谈判和监管审批工作方面均投入 了大量的时间和精力,决不仅仅是停 留在坐在国内办公室、指挥外部律师 事务所开展工作。”吴晓辉说。 这一年中,顺丰集团则将法律事 务部门升级为“法律事务中心”,并进 行了大刀阔斧的改革。据集团法律合 规总负责人邹晨昊介绍,团队整体专 业域大幅提升,分工更富有层次、更 程序化、精细化,在原先的合同、诉讼、 知识产权等基本专业域的基础上,建 设了法务BP、公司交易与治理、合规 治理、合同管理、诉讼管理等多个专 业团队,业务涵盖顺丰集团国内与海 外,专业覆盖合同、诉讼、投融资、数 据、出口管制与制裁、反垄断、公司治 理、知产、劳动用工、法律科技产品等 诸多模块。 Winners are listed by their company names in alphabetical order. 获奖名单按公司名称首字母排序 OWENS CORNING AP LEGAL TEAM 欧文斯科宁亚太区法律部 10 SHANGHAI, INDIA 上海,印度 SF GROUP LEGAL AFFAIRS CENTRE 顺丰集团法律事务中心 90 SHENZHEN, BEIJING, SHANGHAI, HONG KONG SAR 深圳、北京、上海、香港等 SATP HOLDING INC. LEGAL DEPARTMENT 慧算账法务平台 7 BEIJING 北京 STATE GRID YINGDA INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS CO., LTD LEGAL COMPLIANCE TEAM 国网英大国际控股集团有限公司法律合 规部法务团队 16 BEIJING 北京 SVOLT ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. COMPLIANCE & LEGAL DEPARTMENT 蜂巢能源科技股份有限公司合规法务部 9 CHANGZHOU 常州 LEGAL DEPARTMENT OF TCL TECHNOLOGY GROUP CORPORATION TCL科技集团股份有限公司法务部 12 SHENZHEN, HUIZHOU 深圳、惠州 LEGAL AND COMPLIANCE TEAM OF ZHEJIANG ORIENT FINANCIAL HOLDINGS GROUP 浙江东方金融控股集团法律合规团队 35 HANGZHOU 杭州 CHT·SHENGQU GAMES IP MANAGEMENT TEAM 世纪华通·盛趣游戏 知识产权管理团队 12 SHANGHAI 上海