15 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA BROUGHT TO YOU BY SF GROUP ALB: SF Group Legal Affairs Center has achieved remarkable results for supporting the sustainable development of the group’s business over the past year. Could you summarize for us the unique features and advantages of the center? Hawk Chow, Head of SF Group Legal Affairs Center: SF Group is a world-leading comprehensive logistics service provider with a wide range of business scenarios. Accordingly, it has high requirements for legal compliance in terms of volume, precision and flexibility. In my view, a number of key reasons explain the internal and external recognition that the SF Group Legal Affairs Center has gained. First, the center is driven by professionalism. At the center, we advocate that the legal and compliance team should always take professionalism as its foundation, identify and resolve problems by leveraging professional expertise, and take on various challenges with professional perseverance. Second, the center evolves with the times, including not only changing domestic and international dynamics and continuously tightening regulation, but also the strategy of international expansion and sustainable and healthy development of SF Group. The center accordingly carried out reforms in 2023. In terms of basic functions, the center reinforced its core role as a front-end legal business partner, built a contract/litigation management team, and created a full-time headcount to upgrade capabilities for standardized legal production. In terms of future-oriented initiatives, the center managed to invest resources at an opportune time to beef up differentiated professional advantages in areas such as overseas support and compliance. Third, we attach great importance to harmony among colleagues. We emphasize talent selection, grooming and retention, and always look for like-minded team members. At the center, we uphold the people-oriented management philosophy and advocate a team culture of “openness, authenticity and diversity”. By the leadership setting examples, launching various work campaigns, introducing incentives, etc., we have managed to steadily increase the team’s cohesion, professional competency and influence. SF Group is a very down-to-earth company, and professional, confident and mission-driven legal and compliance talents will definitely be able to shine here. ALB: What are some of your unique takeaways when it comes to building an in-house legal structure for business support and risk management? Chow: I would like to share four points. First, the establishment of any structure or framework must be based on a company’s realities and business priorities, and be progressed in stages. Once the general direction is set, instead of trying to come up with a perfect plan, one should get started first and make revisions along the way. Second, it is important to ensure that all members of a team share the same aspirations, keep communications open, and minimize, as much as possible, the gradual loss of information during transmission. Key projects are not only the work tasks of the center, but also its management resources. Strategically, such projects need to be assigned to top talents who have the potential to grow and are willing to grow. Third, the team leader must actively pay attention to the best timing to advance each key milestone on the business side, and use changes in the environment to his/her advantage to achieve better results with greater efficiency. When the team encounters difficulties in work, the leader should directly listen to the reasonable requests from the business side, promptly adjust risk management criteria, or use case studies to help top management with decision-making. Fourth, the leader should lead the team to continuously achieve good results, and constantly use internal and external success stories to win in-depth understanding and trust from the top management of legal and compliance work. ALB: Chinese companies will encounter more complex and evolving risks when expanding their business overseas. How have you and your team been supporting SF Group in going global? Chow: SF Group operates in more than 200 countries and regions around the world, and it is committed to building an efficient and reliable international supply chain. For the legal and compliance team to support business to “go global” in a safe and swift manner, we rely on three most critical aspects of “talent”, “system” and “resource”. The center attaches great importance to building up its reserve of cross-border legal and compliance talents, develops an international legal and compliance team by “specialization”, “jurisdiction” and “territory”, and establishes talent exchange mechanisms such as short-term training for regional in-house teams at the headquarters and international assignment of the headquarters in-house team. We also emphasize the design of rules and systems in the complex industry of logistics, and leverage our legaltech team to continuously integrate our authorization, contracts, compliance and emergency response systems into business systems to achieve ex ante management and minimize business disruption. In addition, we have always regarded the construction of a global legal services provider resource pool as a strategic goal, and maintained close cooperation and mutual empowerment with firms of different specialization around the world. ALB: Compliance is a hot topic among in-house teams at the moment. How do you and your team advance compliance work? Chow: SF Group attaches great importance to compliance work, and invests a lot of resources in building up compliance capabilities. When it comes to management decision-making, SF Group fully follows compliance assessment opinions, and its business will make way for compliance risks that cannot be compromised. With compliance high on the priority list of the group’s top management, the center mainly advances compliance work from the following aspects: incorporating compliance design into the group’s strategic planning; adhering to a risk-oriented approach to determine priority risk areas for governance; building up compliance competency based on rules, and publishing a series of rules, manuals and guidelines; upholding pragmatic compliance and embedding compliance requirements into business processes for enforcement; cultivating corporate compliance culture and empowering business personnel with routine compliance capabilities; and, making full use of digital and information technology so that compliance risks are visible, controllable and traceable. By consolidating our base in China while expanding overseas, the center will vigorously attract and cultivate outstanding compliance talents at home and abroad to jointly build up and improve the overall compliance capabilities and influence of Chinese logistics providers on the global stage. 专业驱动,顺“势”而为 ——专访2023 ALB China 十五佳公司法务团队:顺丰集团法律事务中心 Professionally-driven and Evolving with the Times: Interview with SF Group Legal Affairs Center, Winner of 2023 ALB China Top 15 In House Teams ALB:顺丰法律事务中心过去一年为集团业务的可持续发 展保驾护航,取得了令人瞩目的成绩。能否为我们总结一下 顺丰法律事务中心的独特之处和优势? 顺丰集团法律合规总负责人邹晨昊:顺丰集团是一家全球 领先的综合物流服务提供商,业务场景相当丰富,对法律合 规的需求量、精细度、灵活度要求都很高。我认为,顺丰集团 法律事务中心(“中心”)能够收获一定的内外部认同,主要 原因包括:(1)专业驱动:中心倡导法律合规团队始终以专 业为根本,立足专业发现问题解决问题,秉承专业坚持精神 迎接各类挑战。(2)顺“势”而为:所谓的“势”,既指国内外风 云变幻的局势和持续加强的监管动态,亦指顺丰集团国际 战略及可持续健康发展战略。中心在2023年顺势改革:夯实 基本盘方面,强化前端法务Business Partner的核心定位, 搭建合同/诉讼管理团队,专职提升法律标准化生产能力; 立足未来方面,找准时机投入资源,补强海外、合规等领域 的差异化专业优势。(3)善创“人和”:做好人才的选用育留, 寻找同路人。中心秉承以人为本的管理理念,倡导“开放、真 实、多样性”的团队文化,通过管理者以身作则、各类业务战 役、激励措施等方式,团队凝聚力、战斗力、影响力与日俱增。 顺丰集团是一家非常务实的公司,专业自信、使命驱动的法 律合规人才一定能够在此大放异彩。 ALB:在搭建业务支持、风险管控的法务架构方面,您有哪些 独到经验? 邹晨昊:我个人感受很深的有四点:(1)所有架构体系的搭 建,一定需要结合公司实际情况和业务优先级,分阶段分步 骤地推动;方向确定后,不追求方案的完美,行动起来再动态 修正。(2)团队上下同欲,保持沟通畅通,尽可能消除信息在 传递过程中的层层衰减。重点项目既是中心的工作任务,更 是中心的管理资源,策略上需要委任给兼具发展潜力和意愿 的优秀人才。(3)作为团队一号位,须积极关注每个重点里程 碑在业务侧推进的最佳时机,借助环境的变化达到事半功倍 的推动效果;团队推动遇到困难时,一号位深入前线倾听业 务侧合理诉求、及时调整风险管理尺度,或借助案例推动最 高管理层决策。(4)带领团队持续拿到好的结果,不断用内外 部案例赢得最高管理层对法律合规工作的深入认知与信任。 ALB:中国企业拓展海外业务中会遇到更复杂多变的风险, 您和团队是如何支持顺丰集团业务“走出去”的? 邹晨昊:顺丰集团国际业务涉及全球200多个国家及地区, 致力于打造高效可靠的国际供应链。法律合规团队要做到 支持业务安心快速“走出去”,最关键3个元素是“人才”“系 统”“资源”。中心非常重视国际法律合规人才储备,围绕“专 业”“法域”“属地”等元素建设国际法务合规团队,建立属地 法务总部短期培养、总部法务国际派驻等人才流动机制;我 们高度重视在物流行业这一复杂领域的规则制度设计,通 过法律科技团队不断将我们的授权、合同、合规及应急体系 等植入我们的业务系统,以实现管理前置及最大限度业务无 感;此外,我们一直把全球法律服务供应商资源池的建设作 为中心战略目标,与全球各地专业域律所保持紧密合作与相 互赋能关系。 ALB:合规是当下法务团队尤为关注的话题,您和团队如何推进 合规工作? 邹晨昊:顺丰集团高度重视合规,投入大量资源建强合规能 力,在管理决策上充分遵从合规评估意见,业务为红线合规 风险让路。 以集团最高管理层的高度重视为根基,中心主要从以 下方面推进合规工作:将合规设计纳入集团战略统筹层面; 坚持以风险为导向,确定优先治理的风险领域;以规则为纲 构建合规专业力,发布一系列制度、手册和指引等;坚持务 实合规,合规要求嵌入并落实到公司业务流程;培育企业合 规文化,对业务人员进行常态化合规赋能;充分利用数字信 息化技术,使合规风险可视、可控、可溯。 我们将“立足国内、走向全球”,大力吸纳和培养国内外 优秀合规人才,共同构建和完善中国物流企业在全球的整体 合规能力与影响力。