19 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA REGIONAL REPORT 由北向南,ALB分别探访了太原、合肥、武汉、长沙四座中部地区城市, 并聚焦于“创新”这一话题。作者:胡阳潇潇 and transaction rules, forming an effective working model.” In wealth management and succession, Xin recollects that Dacheng Taiyuan office established a wealth management unit and professional team as early as 2017, conducting dozens of seminars, consultations, and training sessions for financial and insurance institutions in Shanxi. “We have gradually summarized the characteristics and trends of wealth management services in non-first-tier cities, maintaining a pioneering vision in this field without losing local characteristics.” Certainly, challenges are inevitable during innovation. For Xin, the primary challenge that firms must confront is the intense competition among themselves, encompassing various facets such as talent, brand, and professional competency. Consequently, firms must respond comprehensively. Once the journey of innovation begins, stopping becomes difficult. Xin shares that Dacheng Taiyuan office will continue innovation efforts in three areas going forward. First, the Taiyuan office will leverage Shanxi’s advantages in key manufacturing fields such as new materials, coal machinery, and heavy machinery to expand service coverage and empower the development of new industries. Second, as many provincial enterprises shift focus to compliance, the Taiyuan office has established an enterprise compliance research center, intending to integrate resources and build a professional team in the future. Additionally, “we will also target IPO business. With economic growth and market liberalization, more and more companies will need IPO legal services.” HEFEI, ANHUI: DELIVERING COMPREHENSIVE SERVICES A thousand kilometers away, Hefei stands as another “star city” developed in the central China region. Recognized as the “Venture Capital City,” Hefei has enticed numerous high-tech enterprises and industrial chains to establish their presence, facilitated by a combination of governmental and market forces. This process undeniably demands the advancement of legal services. Hu Zhengan, the director of DeHeng Law Offices (Hefei), highlights that since its inception, the Hefei office has been strategically leveraging local resources 中A L部B 地区区域的市创场新报之告道: