21 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA REGIONAL REPORT CHANGSHA, HUNAN: DELVING INTO CLIENT NEEDS WITH DEPTH Changsha, the capital of Hunan province and dubbed China’s “Internet Celebrity City” in recent years, stands as a testament to impressive growth in both total population and GDP. The city continues to experience robust growth across various industrial sectors, including smart manufacturing, biotech, new energy, chips, new consumption, media, and entertainment. This boom creates a fertile ground for innovative developments in the local legal market. Tang Qing, deputy director of FineLaw Firm, emphasizes the firm’s commitment to “exploring and working in three innovative fields of cross-border legal services, corporate compliance, and business digital transformation.” In cross-border legal services, FineLaw has developed 12 major practice areas to support clients in global business operations. This includes trade compliance, agency agreements, sales contracts, cross-border investment and financing, cross-border data compliance, and labor and employment. The firm organized a seminar to discuss challenges emerging during the global expansion of Chinese companies. In the realm of corporate compliance, Tang notes the increased compliance pressure on enterprises due to recent regulatory changes. FineLaw not only helps companies establish rules but also supervises their implementation. Tang highlights their role in assisting manufacturing companies in establishing comprehensive compliance frameworks covering major systems, including personal information protection, cross-border data compliance, international trade compliance, and business criminal compliance. FineLaw also focuses on supporting the digital transformation of corporate in-house departments, deploying the LAS smart legal affairs management platform in leading manufacturing companies. Tang emphasizes the need for deep integration between AI and traditional legal affairs in this innovative business, aiming to optimize the intelligent capabilities of each module continually. Liu Zhipeng, deputy director of DeHeng Law Offices (Changsha), shares the firm’s innovation in the areas of intellectual property (IP) and bankruptcy and corporate rescue. Despite having an IP practice for 15 years, the Changsha office continues to evolve, benefiting from Hunan’s conducive environment for innovation. They provide in-depth services in modern agriculture, engineering machinery, culture and tourism, food processing, and other key industries. The office offers longterm IP legal services to local heavyweights such as Yuan Long Ping HighTech Agriculture, Sany Heavy Industry, and Hunan Television. In the field of bankruptcy and corporate rescue, DeHeng Changsha office leads the market with innovative case handling ideas. This includes establishing bankruptcy case system modules, using the Internet for innovative creditors’ meetings, leveraging data advantages for dynamic solutions in identifying the value of bankruptcy assets, and utilizing the restructuring investment and financing platform to integrate high-quality resources and recruit corporate investors swiftly. Both Tang and Liu acknowledge the challenges of innovation in the central market. Tang emphasizes the need for legal talents with in-depth thinking and a practical understanding of commercial logic, especially those who understand law, IT, and AI algorithms for serving the digital transformation of businesses. They agree that continuous investment is crucial for overcoming these challenges. FineLaw, recognizing the characteristics of Hunan’s legal market, is enhancing its brand strategy by building a presence in sub-divided industry segments, focusing on developing an in-depth understanding of specific industries, formulating best practices, creating value, and telling new brand stories. Looking forward, FineLaw plans to expand into the entire new energy industry chain, providing comprehensive legal services for the low-carbon, green economic industry chain. DeHeng Changsha office aims for deeper involvement in industries like rail transit equipment, digitalization, new energy, and AI, 在相对传统的法律服务市场中, 律师事务所有可能实现创新吗?如果 答案是肯定的,他们该如何做到创新? 带着这样的问题,ALB和来自四座中 部地区城市的律所管理者展开对话。 他们以实例证明了创新的可能性,也 分享了攻克挑战之道,并且展望了下 一步的创新计划。 山西太原:与客户共同成长 山西省会太原是进入中部地区的第一 座重要城市,近年,这座以能源行业为 发展底色的城市积极探索转型,因此 为当地法律服务创新奠定了基础。 辛瑞律师是北京大成(太原)律师 事务所管理委员会执行主任,他告诉 ALB,目前大成太原在信托、不良资产 处置,以及财富管理与传承业务领域, 在当地建立起了最具差异度的服务。 辛律师具体介绍道,在信托业务 领域,山西信托目前是省内唯一一家 信托机构,而大成太原为其95%的业 务提供法律服务。这样宝贵的服务机 会帮助大成太原在信托领域占据了市 场领先地位,并“逐步实现了信托法律 服务的精细化和专业化,形成了自己 的服务标准和流程,更实现了法律服 务的产品化”。 在不良资产处置业务领域,大成 太原的差异化优势同样来自于对相关 客户十余年的深度服务。辛瑞律师介 绍道,从最初的四大资产管理公司山 西省分公司,到近年来诸多重要银行 业金融机构的山西及太原分行,大成 太原几乎实现了这一领域客户的全覆 盖。“我们积累了专业法律知识和实践 经验,对法律及交易规则能够深刻把 握,形成了卓有成效的工作模式。”辛 律师说。 而在财富管理与传承业务领域, 辛律师回忆到,早在2017年,大成太 原就成立了财富管理办公室及专业团 队,为省内金融、保险机构等进行了几 十场讲座、咨询和培训,“逐步总结出 非一线城市财富管理服务的特点和趋 while increasing investment in compliance business to provide full-process compliance management services. They have established strategic partnerships with external companies for certification services in corporate compliance building.