25 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA “With the improvement and adjustment of legislation and policies in the field of trademark right confirmation and right protection in China, especially the intensification of crackdown on malicious registration, the focus of trademarks has gradually shifted from quantity to quality.” In this context, “enterprises are more concerned about how to use existing trademarks, how to establish and improve the trademark management system to maintain the stability of trademark rights.” The Internet industry’s trademark demand has been considerable, “and since 2023, food, clothing, medical, industrial manufacturing, luxury jewelry industry demand is relatively strong.” Since the end of the pandemic, the demand for cross-border legal services has increased significantly, with the field of intellectual property being no exception. On the one hand, the demand for IP services by multinational companies in China is constantly changing. Gao tells ALB: “Our team represents many of the world’s leading companies in communications, biotech, semiconductors, the Internet, artificial intelligence, and other industries in IPR protection in China. I have observed that foreign companies have recently become more aware of and familiar with China’s IPR protection system and are adept at using multiple channels to protect IPR in China. For example, a German enterprise represented by our team faced patent infringement and finally adopted the administrative adjudication procedure of major patent infringement by the State Intellectual Property Office, successfully protecting its own rights and interests.” On the other hand, Gao points out, he also represents many domestic enterprises in cross-border IP matters. “With the deepening of China’s innovation strategy and the increasing emphasis on IPR, the gap between China’s investment in IPR protection and international top companies has narrowed.” In the trademark field, Ming points out that Chinese enterprises’ and brands’ crossborder demand continues to rise, and the overseas trademark layout becomes increasingly important. In addition to the developed markets like the US and Europe, Belt and Road countries have also become the market of greatest concern to Chinese clients,” says Ming. Other new types of demand have also emerged, and intellectual property compliance service is another trendy topic. Alicia Wang is a senior partner at AllBright Law Offices. Over the past few years, she has focused on providing comprehensive IP compliance services to several enterprises in the areas of artificial intelligence, the Internet, pharmaceuticals, and communications, and has also provided advice on their IP strategies. In Wang’s view, the ideal IP compliance service includes two main points: “First, it is necessary to lay a solid foundation for the fight against infringement; TOP 15 IP LAWYERS C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Wanhuida ad artwork.pdf 1 2023/12/5 14:12:24