27 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA BROUGHT TO YOU BY HAN KUN LAW OFFICES 罗睿 汉坤律师事务所,合伙人 ALB: What recent trends have you noticed in the complexity of cross-border intellectual property (IP) disputes involving high-tech companies? Luo Rui: The most recent and important trends are twofold: the focus is shifting towards advanced and sophisticated technologies, and the competition in parallel proceedings is heating up. As China continues to upgrade its industries, transnational IP disputes involving advanced and sophisticated technologies, especially innovative and complex ones, are increasingly common. For example, we are often entrusted to deal with disputes on 5G chips, new energy materials, gene sequencing, and aerospace. And as global competition spreads from the business sector to judicial systems, the judicial and administrative authorities around the world have been actively competing for the right to speak in transnational IP disputes. The competition is most evident in the global disputes over standards-essential patents (SEP) licensing. The courts in countries and regions like China, the U.S., Europe, and the U.K. have expanded their jurisdiction by determining the global licensing conditions and issuing injunctions and anti-injunctions. The competition among judicial systems is increasingly pronounced. ALB: What qualities are necessary for lawyers to serve clients in this regard? Luo Rui: I think we lawyers should have the following qualities to adapt to new trends in cross-border IP disputes: Firstly, the ability to keep learning. A willingness and ability to keep learning is essential for us to cope with emerging complicated legal and technical issues; Secondly, efficient communication skills. We need to communicate with different people at work in diverse forms. Accurate understanding and concise language can guarantee communication efficiency and empathy will make communication smooth; Lastly, a global vision. Besides specific legal issues, we lawyers need to see through the disputes for judicial competition, business dynamics, and even national competition. In this way, we can deliver our services aligned with the client’s goal. ALB: What is your role as a lawyer in IP licensing negotiations based on your experience with tech giants? Luo Rui: I often play a dual role in demonstrating the client’s determination and power and removing legal barriers to the transaction. The involvement of external counsel in IP licensing negotiations shows not only the client’s emphasis and experience in professional negotiation, but also their ability to confront during the negotiation or after a negotiation breakdown. The external counsel should always keep in mind the client’s business objective, and coordinate with the other party to remove legal barriers to the transaction when needed, so as to maximize client interests. Depending on the client’s business objectives, we may sometimes pressure the other side with a “fight if we can’t negotiate” stance, patiently explain to eliminate legal concerns, or alternate between these roles at different stages of the negotiation. ALB: Clients are expecting long-term strategic support from lawyers when IP rights are increasingly important. How do you pool the IP talents at Han Kun to plan long-term IP layout and provide full-process support? Luo Rui: Following Han Kun’s traditional large team structure, our IP team has gathered some 200 professionals in different roles. This means that the most suitable professionals are always ready to serve clients in the whole process from layout planning, to application and registration, routine maintenance, licensing transactions, risk assessment, and rights defense and litigation. We can support both multinationals in dealing with difficult cases and start-ups in building up their IP portfolios. 精深专业、高效沟通、国际视野, 为客户提供全周期、多元化知识产权服务 ——专访汉坤律师事务所合伙人,罗睿律师 Professionalism, Efficient Communication, and A Global Vision —Interview with Luo Rui, Partner at Han Kun Law Offices ALB:您长期协助全球最顶尖的高科技公司处理复杂跨国知识产权纠 纷,此类纠纷近年在复杂、疑难程度上出现了哪些新趋势? 罗睿律师,汉坤律师事务所合伙人:近年来跨国知识产权纠纷最重要的 变化趋势有两个方面:首先是争议涉及的技术愈发向高精尖领域集中, 其次是跨国平行法律程序的竞争日趋白热化。伴随着中国产业不断升 级,跨国知识产权纠纷愈发集中在高精尖的技术领域,其中涉及的技术 也愈发新颖和复杂。从5G芯片、新能源材料、基因测序到航空航天,都 是我们目前服务客户处理的知识产权纠纷中出现的“常客”。此外,由于 全球化的竞争从单纯的市场商业竞争向国家司法竞争蔓延,各国司法 行政机关也开始更积极地争抢在跨国知识产权纠纷中的话语权。这种 争抢最集中体现在全球标准必要专利许可纠纷中,包括中美欧英等国 家和地区的法院都纷纷确定全球许可条件、发布禁诉令和反禁诉令等 方式扩张其司法话语权,各个司法体系的竞争也日趋明显。 ALB:律师需要具备哪些素养,才能服务好客户的此类需求? 罗睿律师:为了应对跨国知识产权纠纷的新趋势,我认为律师应具备以 下几方面的素质: 首先是不断学习的能力,我们在日常工作中会遇到各种新颖复杂 的法律和技术问题,保有不断学习的意愿和能力是应对各种新问题的 必要条件; 其次是高效沟通的能力,我们的工作需要与各类对象进行多种形 式的沟通,律师精炼的表达和准确的理解是高效沟通的保障,而共情能 力则是保持沟通顺畅的法宝; 最后是国际化的视野,我们的律师除了着眼专业的法律问题,也需 要洞察纠纷背后涉及的司法竞合、商业动态、甚至是国家竞争,把自己 的服务嵌合到客户的整体目标之中。 ALB:您也参与了众多顶尖科技企业的知识产权许可交易,在此类谈判 中,律师扮演着怎样的角色? 罗睿律师:我参与客户许可谈判往往需要扮演双重的角色,既要作为强 力外援体现客户的博弈意志和实力,也要作为专业辅助消除法律面的 交易障碍。外部律师直接参与知识产权许可谈判,既可以证明客户对专 业性谈判的重视和经验丰富,还可以展现客户在谈判中、甚至是谈判破 裂后的专业对抗能力。同时,外部律师也要时时谨记客户在许可谈判背 后的商业目标,在需要的时候协调对方消除法律面的交易障碍,实现客 户的商业利益最大化。根据客户不同的商业目标,我们有时要做出“谈 不成就要大打出手”的姿态来向对方施压,有时又要以耐心的解释来消 除谈判双方在法律方面的风险担忧,更有时我们还要在谈判不同阶段 交替扮演上述角色。 ALB:面对知识产权重要性的提升,如今客户也期待律师提供长期的策 略支持。您如何集合汉坤知产团队力量,为客户制定长期的知识产权布 局规划、并提供全流程支持? 罗睿律师:我们知识产权团队采取汉坤传统的大团队作战模式,近两百 位专业人员都按照擅长领域在团队中分工协作,并服从统一调配。这意 味着我可以调用最合适和专业的团队人员,为客户提供从知识产权布 局规划、申请注册、日常维护、许可交易,到风险评估、维权诉讼等全流 程的专业服务。我们既可以服务跨国公司处理各种疑难案件,也可以伴 随初创企业建立从无到有的知识产权组合。