32 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 DECEMBER 2023 REGIONAL LAW AWARDS 2023: SOUTH CHINA & CENTRAL CHINA ALB CHINA REGIONAL LAW AWARDS 2023: SOUTH CHINA & CENTRAL CHINA 2023 ALB中国区域市场法律大奖:华南地区 & 华中地区 As the year draws to a close and a new one begins, ALB China is honored to once again present to our readers the finalists for the ALB China Regional Law Awards 2023: South & Central China. This marks the second consecutive year ALB has focused on the leading institutions, teams, and legal talents in the legal service industry of seven provinces/ autonomous regions, namely Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Henan, Hubei, and Hunan. Over the past two years, despite facing economic pressures, South and Central China have demonstrated robust strength and a “commitment to the future” mindset. From manufacturing, finance, and consumer industries undergoing digital transformation, to new energy, technology, and healthcare industries leading China’s future development, these regions continuously create new highlights for China’s economic development and offer a broader stage for the legal services market. In the context of emerging economies, industries, and models in South and Central China, we observe an increasingly pivotal role of legal professionals in socioeconomic development. On one hand, as the policy “testing grounds” since China’s reform and opening up, South and Central China continue to lead legislative practices in new technology and industrial fields, demanding continuous learning and protection from legal professionals. On the other hand, the continuous development of new industrial clusters in these regions, coupled with excellent rule of law and business environments, have become key factors in attracting enterprises. Many local governments have established specialized legal industry parks to support local economic development with high-quality modern legal services. Against this backdrop, this year’s 值此岁末年初、继往开来之际, 《亚洲法律杂志》很荣幸再次向诸位 读者展示2023年中国区域市场法律 大奖:华南地区 & 华中地区的入围名 单。这是ALB连续第二年聚焦于中国 华南、华中七省/自治区,即福建省, 广东省,广西壮族自治区、海南省、河 南省、湖北省和湖南省法律服务行业 的领先机构、团队以及法律人才。 过去两年,华南、华中地区经济发 ALB South and Central China Law Awards have witnessed an increased number of participants. A total of 107 law firms and corporate legal teams participated, up 24% from last year; with over 700 nominations, a 20% increase from last year, covering 28 different legal service categories. More excitingly, this year saw a rise in local institutions among the participants: homegrown law firms or corporate legal teams from South and Central China, which have developed alongside the region’s growth and economic pulse over the years, are now sharing their stories and memorable milestones on the ALB platform. Finally, we are pleased to introduce four new awards categories this year: the Dispute Resolution Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China focuses on the region’s most businessminded conflict resolution experts, while the Fujian, Hunan, and Hubei Law Firm of the Year Awards spotlight the leaders in these regional niche markets. On December 8, the ALB China Regional Law Awards 2023: South & Central China award ceremony will be grandly held in Shenzhen. ALB looks forward to gathering with all the nominees and legal and business elites in Shenzhen, anticipating the announcement of the final winners and witnessing these glorious moments together! 展承压,但仍旧呈现出雄厚的实力和 “承诺于未来”的决心。从不断向数字 化转型的制造、金融、消费产业,到引 领中国未来发展格局的新能源、科技、 医药健康产业,华南、华中地区不断为 中国经济发展创造新的亮点,也为法 律服务市场提供着更为广阔的舞台。 在华南、华中地区新经济、新产 业、新模式不断出台的背景下,我们观 察到法律人在社会经济中扮演了愈发 举足轻重的角色。一方面,华南、华中 地区作为中国改革开放以来的政策“ 试验田”,仍旧不断引领新技术和产 业领域的立法实践,要求法律人不断 学习、持续保驾护航;另一方面,华南、 华中地区持续打造新型产业集群,而 优良的法治和营商环境是吸引企业落 地的重要因素,不少地方政府更是打 造了专门的法律产业园,以高质量的 现代法律服务业支持当地经济发展。 正是在这样的背景下,今年的 ALB华南、华中法律大奖见证了数量 更多的参与者,共有107家律师事务 所以及企业法务团队参与到了本次法 律大奖之中,与去年相比增加24%; 总提名量超过700项,与去年相比增 加20%;并涉及28个不同的法律业 务领域奖项。 更令人欣喜的是,今年的参与者 中出现了更多本土机构的身影:他们 是成长于华南、华中的律所或企业法 务团队,在过往岁月里和这片土地的 发展及经济脉搏同呼吸、共命运,期 待他们在ALB平台讲出自己的故事, 获得成长之路上值得铭记的脚注! 最后,我们特别向您介绍今年的 四个全新奖项:年度华南华中地区争 议解决律师大奖关注于该地区最具 商业思维的平息止纷专家;年度福 建、湖南、湖北地区律师事务所大奖 则聚焦于该地区细分市场的领先者。 12月8日,2023年中国区域市场 法律大奖:华南地区 & 华中地区颁奖 典礼将在深圳盛大召开,ALB期待与 各位入围者及各界法律、商业精英相 聚深圳,期待最终获奖名单揭晓,共 同见证荣耀时刻!