40 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 DECEMBER 2023 ALB GREATER BAY AREA LEGAL FORUM 2023 ALB GREATER BAY AREA LEGAL FORUM 2023 On December 7th, the ALB Greater Bay Area Legal Forum 2023 was successfully held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Guangzhou. Nearly a hundred professionals, including corporate legal and compliance officers, senior executives, and expert consultants from the Greater Bay Area (GBA), gathered to discuss and share insights on various topical issues. The forum commenced at 9:30 AM with a panel discussion on “Transformation and Development - the Innovative Value of In-House Counsels and Lawyers in Business Development.” The session was chaired by Eric Lui, Managing Partner at Ince & Co, and featured four speakers, including Ring Cheng, Heal of Global Legal at APM Monaco, Nancy Wei, Legal Director at Tupperware China, Wu Daibin, CRO at Guangdong Tiancheng Jinhui Enterprise ALB于广州成功举办2023年粤港澳大湾区法律论坛 12月7日,2023 ALB 粤港澳 大湾区法律论坛在广州四季酒店成 功举办。近百位来自大湾区的企业法 务、合规负责人、企业高管和专家顾 问齐聚一堂,就诸多热点话题展开分 享与研讨。 上午九点半,论坛拉开序幕,首 先迎来名为“变革与发展——大湾区 法务和律师在企业发展中的创新价 值”的话题讨论环节。 本环节由英士律师行管理合伙 Bosco Leung, Partner, Hong Kong, Llinks Law Offices 梁名山,香港办公室合伙人,通力律师事务所 From left: Eric Lui, Ince & Co, Ring Cheng, APM Monaco, Nancy Wei, Tupperware China, Wu Daibin, Guangdong Tiancheng Jinhui, Becky Zeng, Suofeiya Home Collection. 从左开始:吕志豪,英士律师行;成彦,APM Monaco;魏静,特百惠(中国);吴代斌,广东天成金汇;曾晓燕,索菲亚家居 Priscilla Wong, Partner, Ince & Co 黄婷婷,合伙人,英士律师行 Development, and Becky Zeng, Head of Legal at Suofeiya Home Collection. Following the discussion, the first keynote speech was delivered by Bosco Leung, Partner of Llinks Law Offices’ Hong Kong office, on “GBA Enterprises IPO in HK: SPAC Brings Potential Opportunities and Challenges.” The second keynote was by Priscilla Wong, Partner of Ince & Co, on “Legal Practice of Cross-border Dispute Resolution in GBA.” The afternoon sessions began with a discussion on “The latest legal practice of corporate compliance governance in the Greater Bay Area under the influence of digitalization,” chaired by Zuo Kun, Partner and Head of Data Compliance Team at Lian Yue Law Firm. The session featured Curtis Li, Vice GM, General Counsel at Guangzhou Guangbai Logistics, and Frank Wu, General Counsel at China Southern Power Grid International. The third discussion focused on “Hotspot Attention and Responses in Business Legal Risk Prevention for Greater Bay Area Enterprises in the Digital Compliance Era.” The session was chaired by Shan Tao, Director of the Management Committee, Senior Partner at ETR Law Firm, with speakers including Liu Qiong, Legal Director at Lizhi. FM, and Sophie Zeng, Assistant General Manager of Legal and Compliance Dept at Desay Corporation. The forum concluded with the grand finale - the release ceremony of the “Greater Bay Area Legal Guide 2024” and a roundtable discussion on “Legal Services in the Greater Bay Area.” Representatives from law firms who contributed to this year’s ALB Greater Bay Area Guide participated in the discussion, including Li Huixuan, Senior Partner at Lian Yue Law Firm, Su Donghai, Co-director of the Partners Meeting, Senior Partner at ETR Law Firm, and Ling Yongshan, Founder of Ling & Lawyers, and GBA Lawyer of ETR Law Firm. With enthusiastic applause from the attendees, the 2023 ALB Greater Bay Area Legal Forum concluded successfully. We look forward to seeing you at the next ALB event!