44 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 DECEMBER 2023 ALB BEIJING IN-HOUSE LEGAL SUMMIT 2023 WORKSHOP SPONSORS SPONSOR EXHIBITOR Beijing Starrise Law Firm Founded in 2020, Beijing Starrise Law Firm is dedicated to providing top-tier legal services to companies facing compliance challenges and legal risks. Our team of experienced attorneys, with a strong background in criminal defense, offers innovative compliance solutions to meet the unique needs of each business. In addition to our expertise in civil and commercial litigation, we provide a range of non-litigation legal services to help our clients navigate complex legal matters. Digital transformation is at the core of our operations, enabling us to deliver efficient and effective solutions to our clients. Our team’s diverse backgrounds and specialties bring added value to our clients, and we prioritize continuous learning to remain up to date with the latest legal developments. To support our clients more holistically, we have built a strong network of industry partners, allowing us to deliver comprehensive solutions tailored to each business. Website: Bridgeon Law Firm Found in 2013, Bridgeon Law Firm excels in handling large-scale IP lawsuits, and advising on IP-related issues in a broad range together with business services. Our firm has relevant qualifications in dealing with domestic and overseas patent and trademark matters. We always provide tailored service to the client based on their commercial needs. Website: Tiantai Law Firm Established in 1994, Tiantai Law Firm is one of the earliest established large-scale law firms in China. Tiantai is an influential firm in the sector and has built a good reputation in the business. It has been awarded “Excellent National Law Firm” by the All-China Lawyers Association. It has also been awarded the “Excellent Beijing Law Firm” title by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice and the Beijing Lawyers Association for several consecutive years. Tiantai has nearly 2,000 practising lawyers who have graduated from prominent law schools and affiliated colleges and universities, and is equipped with a robust backend support team. Following a systematic pupillage, Tiantai’s lawyers are endowed with high levels of professionalism and the ability of sustained knowledge-seeking and research. Tiantai’s lawyers are ranked at the frontier of the industry with their outstanding foresight and first-class service capability in both traditional legal services and emerging frontier professional sectors. Loyal to the facts, belief in the rule of law and clients first are the unswerving practice philosophies of Tiantai. The firm’s clients include government agencies, prestigious enterprises, individuals and other organisations both at home and abroad. Our service fields cover industries such as manufacturing, trade, banking and finance, project development and operation, real estate, life sciences, film, television and entertainment, civil aviation, mineral resources, the internet, and high technology. The services offered by Tiantai cover whole business areas including litigation and arbitration, intellectual property rights, corporate business, private equity, mergers, acquisitions and listings, tax, criminal defence, administrative litigation, and bankruptcy reorganisation. We are publicising the law and advocating morality, helping others and improving ourselves. Tiantai is committed to providing professional, accurate and pragmatic legal services to customers both at home and abroad. Website: 义。如何从刑事、民事以及行政激励方 面激发企业的合规动力是她着重思考 的问题。最后,王珺律师结合具体司法 建议,针对民商事涉企案件给出了自己 的解决办法,并指出:企业合规需要从 外部驱动向内生动力转变,这需要法律 人的共同努力。 王唯宁律师带来了题为“刑事业 务的打开方式”的演讲。王唯宁律师首 先从刑事合规的基本概念出发,表示 刑事合规的第一个面向就是预防,风 险预防及合规管理体系对于刑事合规 而言至关重要。第二个面向是应对,他 指出,分析侦察思路、收集客观证据、 撰写案件调查报告、与辩护团队形成 衔接环环相扣。第三个面向则是挽救, 提出涉案企业合规申请、指定/落实/通 过合规整改计划都是涉案后挽救的必 备要素。此外,王唯宁律师也从刑事辩 护、刑事控告、诉讼代理人、利益关系 第三人代理、刑民交叉中的全面代理 等层面切入,解析了律师在刑事业务 当中所扮演的有效角色与应用的策略。 杜佳虹律师带来了题为“企业争 议解决业务中的合规管理”的演讲。她 首先从企业争议解决纠纷的主要类型、 产生原因、解决路径、影响处理结果的 因素四大板块出发,详细阐述了企业 在争议解决过程中所面临的痛点。随 后,她展开分析了企业争议解决业务 当中,例如风险预警、证据组织以及 法律技术的重难点问题。谈及企业争 议解决业务的专项合规,杜律师表示, 制度、机制、运行、人员是其中的核心 环节。她指出,制度层面来看,企业合 规的重点之一就是建章立制、外规内 化,进一步提升企业的管理效率;机 制方面而言,则需要联动业务与法律 部门,及时识别并预警风险防控;人员 方面便需要重点关注专门岗位、专岗 专责、专项培训、人员考核等环节。最 后,杜律师也就全面合规体系建设为 与会嘉宾给出了建议。 交流午餐后,会场迎来了下午的 精彩议程。 下午的峰会首先迎来实务专家分 享环节。浪潮商用机器有限公司合规 总监徐娜带来了题为“合资企业合规 落地的本土化实践探索”的演讲。她 首先提出了合规从“舶来品”到“本土 化”、从“形而上”到“形而下”、从“被 动”到“主动”的变化,深入剖析了合规 对于企业发展的重要性。随后,徐娜女 士还提到了她所在企业诚信合规月的 设立与合规神兽“小正”的诞生,生动 形象地将合规文化自上而下贯彻落实。 峰会随后迎来了博遵律师事务 所合伙人杨国权律师,他的演讲题目 为“究竟是免费的午餐还是吃人的老 虎——浅谈企业开源合规管理”。他首 先从开源的基本概述出发,指出开源 是一种新的垄断方式,是未来发展的 趋势,但也存在歧视、陷阱与风险。随 后,杨律师结合具体案例,深入解析了 开源可能存在的风险点,例如安全、违 约、商业秘密泄露、知识产权侵犯、出 口管制、遗传下游公司等,并对开源贡 献者、企业合规管理与制度建设等层面 提出了自己的考量。此外,杨律师指出 了使用开源软件可能产生的五大不利 后果。最后,他针对开源需要知道的事 情、企业开源管理以及开源可能遇到的 常见问题展开了解析。 接下来,峰会迎来了第一个话题 讨论环节,由北京星来律师事务所资 深顾问苏仲明先生主持,邀请到大家 资产管理有限责任公司法律合规部/监 察部总经理、公司监事李欣阳女士;慧 算账总法律顾问、副总裁、公司秘书罗 媛女士。几位嘉宾就“倡导与实践—— 探寻企业合规热点,分享合规管理心 得”展开讨论。 随后,本次峰会迎来了第二个话 题讨论环节,由天驰君泰律师事务所 高级合伙人、管理合伙人李芳律师主 持,邀请到某投资集团公司法务合规 部总经理李根先生;中国电力国际有 限公司法律与风险管理部/内控审计 部总经理黄慧娜女士;路易达孚集团 北亚区首席法务官易晓洁女士。几位 嘉宾就“当下与未来——法务和律师 在企业发展中的积极角色”展开讨论。 在与会者的热烈掌声中,2023 ALB 北京企业法律顾问峰会圆满落幕。真 诚感谢各位嘉宾莅临,期待在不久后 的ALB活动中与大家再见!