10 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 FEBRUARY 2024 After more than two months of research, ALB unveils its list of top 15 litigators at the start of the Year of the Dragon. With a wealth of experience and outstanding achievements, the ranked litigators include veterans who serve as managing partners and directors of professional committees, as well as key members who are below 40 years old but have already led on numerous major cases. A number of winners also boast diverse work experience at people’s courts and procuratorates. Most of the winners are based in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. Apart from traditional civil and commercial litigation, they also specialize in complex financial, corporate and international trade litigations, as well as cross-border dispute resolution. COMPETITION, AI AND JUDICIAL TRANSPARENCY The special economic and social development trends of the past year have brought about new challenges and opportunities to the practice of litigation. This year’s winners have a lot to share in this respect. “Affected by the overall economic climate and the macro environment, non-litigation business experienced a sharp drop in 2023 on the Chinese legal industry. Many non-litigators have turned to the field of dispute resolution, resulting in greater competition among dispute resolution lawyers. Moreover, many market players, especially Stateowned enterprises, are facing pressure to cut cost and increase efficiency, leading to a downward trend in legal service fees,” says Zhang Ruicun, Partner of Hui Zhong Law Firm. On the other hand, Zhang points out that market demand also increased in tandem with the increase in the number of dispute resolution cases. Therefore, 2023 was a year of both opportunities and challenges. Going forward, lawyers need to continuously adjust and adapt with a more positive mindset, and step up learning and research to forge ahead. “In the long run, several events that took place in 2023 will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the legal industry.” Citing artificial intelligence represented by ChatGPT as an example, Zhang believes that legal AI can help lawyers quickly and accurately handle a large number of tedious legal matters, thereby raising work efficiency, lowering legal COVER STORY In recent years, both the number of lawyers and the number of lawsuits have been on the rise in China, and litigators are facing increasingly diverse, evolving business needs, as well as fiercer competition. This year’s ALB China top 15 litigators share with ALB the new rules, trends and typical cases in their areas of focus, as well as how they are preparing to take on new challenges. 近年来,中国的律师数量、诉讼案件量均在上升,诉讼律师面临着更为多元、多变的业务需求,以及更加激烈的竞争。 本次十五佳诉讼律师榜单的上榜者与ALB分享了他们专注领域的新规则、新形势、典型案件,以及如何应对新挑战。 TOP 15 LITIGATORS 十五佳诉讼律师 RANKING BY ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS, TEXT BY VICTOR WU 排名:《亚洲法律杂志》,作者:吴嘉林