15 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA COVER STORY Lun’s core values. They are also thse core of our team culture spirit,” says Zhou. “The legal profession needs succession, and the foundation for a team’s stable growth is the good mentorship provided by partners and senior lawyers for young lawyers.” Zhou and her team regularly share classic cases, laws and regulations through a “bi-weekly sharing session”, encourage internal sharing of case handling experience at any time, and have also set up an official WeChat team account called “Capital Market Compliance Review” to provide a platform for lawyers to keep learning. At the same time, based on the characteristics of each lawyer, a phased training plan of one year, three years, five years, etc., will be developed and adjusted according to the growth of each young lawyer. “I will work hard to build a professional, efficient, creative and cohesive team to provide clients with even better legal services and grow together with each team member.” Zhang Yaxing, Partner of Han Kun Law Offices, believes that compared to other industries, the stability of a legal team is extremely important. “No matter how meticulous the handover of a case is, there will be varying degrees of information loss, and the information lost may be crucial to the outcome of the case. Therefore, when forming a team, it is important to involve members who share the same values. When working together within the team, it is important to promptly identify members who may not match the team’s style to ensure that the team atmosphere remains harmonious.” “In addition, for each team member, it is necessary to provide training according to his or her aptitude, promote the strengths and avoid the weaknesses of each individual, and complement each other’s strengths. This can improve both team cohesion and client satisfaction. At the same time, the weaknesses and mistakes of team members should be 经过两个多月的调研,ALB于 龙年伊始揭晓十五佳诉讼律师榜单。 上榜的诉讼律师们经验丰富、成绩丰 硕,其中既有担任主管合伙人、专业 委员会主任等角色的“元老”级人物, 也有未满40岁却牵头负责了众多大 案要案的骨干力量,还有数位上榜者 有着人民法院、人民检察院等多样的 工作经验。 tolerated in an appropriate manner so that the team can reflect on how to avoid similar problems and how to solve those problems rather than simply playing the blame game.” “Finally, it is also necessary to carefully plan the growth path of team members, so that they can devote themselves to work with peace of mind, and will not be caught up in excessive internal competition and worry about their own future,” says Zhang Yaxing. 专注于证券合规与证券诉讼、公司诉讼——中伦周伟律师 周伟律师是北京市中伦律师事务所争议解决部合伙人,主要执业领域为资本市场重大民商事纠纷的应对 和处理,尤其在证券合规、证券诉讼和公司诉讼业务领域具有丰富的经验,并形成业务专长。 周律师曾代表近百家上市公司、证券公司、基金公司、证券服务机构等资本市场主体在证券合规危机处 理、行政监管调查与处罚、行政复议等方面提供全方位的法律服务,涉及信息披露违法、内幕交易、操 纵市场、基金老鼠仓等各类证券违规案件。很多案件是在业内有重大影响力的标志性案件,包括全国首 例证券领域行政和解案、首例场外配资违法案、首例ETF操纵市场案、首例新三板操纵市场案等。 周律师曾代表几十家上市公司、证券服务机构及其高管成功应对投资者提起股票市场或债券市场的证券 虚假陈述诉讼。不少案件成功实现零赔付,绝大多数案件大幅度减低了赔付比例和金额,多起案件入选 “中国十大影响性诉讼”“人民法院十大商事案件”“人民法院十大民事行政及国家赔偿案件”。 周律师在资本市场领域的公司类纠纷解决具有丰富经验,涉及上市公司控制权纠纷、并购纠纷、股东权 益纠纷、公司决议效力纠纷、股权转让纠纷等各类疑难复杂纠纷,最终成功维护客户合法权益,有效协 助客户化解风险,得到了客户的赞誉和高度认可。 周律师现任中国证券法学研究会理事,在证券法、公司法的理论和实践领域形成诸多研究成果。周律师 参与起草中国证券法学研究会《中华人民共和国证券法制度精义与条文评注》、中华全国律师协会《律 师办理证券虚假陈述民事赔偿诉讼业务操作指引》和《律师办理公司诉讼业务操作指引》,共同撰写《 公司诉讼的策划与应对》《赢略——跨国公司如何应对在华公司诉讼》《新类型公司诉讼疑难问题研究 》和《公司业务律师基础实务》等诸多著作。