18 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS – JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2024 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM COVER STORY new ideas, drive innovation and transform the future of banking. As Gen AI adoption expands, customers will demand greater transparency into how their data is processed. Organisations must have the ability to explain automated decision-making processes and accommodate customer requests to opt out of certain applications, as many privacy laws require. Education is key. All employees, from frontline staff to board-level executives, need to understand fundamental AI rights and obligations. In the legal field, Gen AI tools will increasingly supplement lawyers’ work over the coming years. Early use cases are likely to focus more on boosting productivity than fully automating legal advice. The benefits of Gen AI should convince more to explore new ways of working. CARL LI Lead Innovation Lawyer - Asia, Linklaters Can you provide an overview of Linklaters’ Gen AI journey and its impact on legal workflow? Linklaters has a long history of embracing new technologies to reflect our commitment to innovation and improving operational efficiency. A milestone is introducing our Gen AI chatbot Laila, built using Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI service. We work closely with Microsoft to enable our people to maximise productivity. Laila streamlines tasks while keeping prompts and responses within our controlled environment, maintaining confidentiality and security. Thousands of users handle numerous daily queries through this handy tool. Gen AI has created impact by overcoming the “blankpage syndrome”, changing how we draft cover emails, for example. Translation is another area where Gen AI helps. For instance, you can describe context to Laila and enable better translation across languages in the large cross-border deals that we typically work on. Gen AI is boosting productivity while our lawyers stand as the gatekeepers of quality and accuracy. We only use enterprise-grade Al assessed as safe, value-adding, and in line with our values and regulatory obligations. As Linklaters’ Innovation Lawyer in Asia, did you witness challenges implementing Gen AI, and how were they addressed? One challenge is Gen AI producing plausible but incorrect “hallucinations”. Lawyers must verify AI-generated content against reliable sources to ensure accuracy. There is a need to maintain a critical eye rather than blindly trust. Nevertheless, investing time and resources in experimenting with Gen AI helps us stay informed on the latest advancements. In terms of client interactions, how has Gen AI influenced the delivery of legal services at Linklaters? Have clients seen enhanced responsiveness, accuracy, or other benefits? It’s still too early to evaluate Gen AI’s impact. But we believe it can increase our efficiency. We are taking a tailored approach that adheres to the highest professional standards while meeting clients’ specific requirements. For example, Gen AI can unlock Linklaters’ vast global knowledge and expertise. You may experience faster turnarounds, enhanced responsiveness and a more personalised experience. What insights can you share with other law firms exploring AI integration? What are some best practices to keep in mind? Building trust where team members freely share AI experiences is essential for successful adoption. Trust drives innovation. Promoting internal knowledge-sharing on Gen AI applications deepens collective understanding and spurs innovation. Appointing “innovation lawyers” as AI champions within teams advocates for best practices and practical guidance. They support responsible and effective AI use by keeping colleagues informed on developments. It ensures responsible use and manages risks through clear protocols. How do you see the role of Gen AI evolving in Asia’s legal industry? What emerging trends or developments should law firms consider as they explore AI solutions? Gen AI is poised to advance rapidly in Asia’s legal sector. A notable development is Microsoft Copilot, which shows promise in drafting emails, summarising content, and conducting data analysis. Its integration within Microsoft 365 can simplify AI adoption within legal work. AI tools that integrate consistently across work applications help minimise learning curves, ensure smooth adoption and deliver a unified experience. In addition, law firms can explore AI with the assurance that confidentiality and compliance are priorities. As part of integrating AI, it is crucial to allocate time for learning, feedback, testing and structured evaluations. Striking the right balance between innovation and a commitment to quality is central to successfully adopting Gen AI in the legal industry. AMY LEE Chief Legal Director, Hong Kong, Microsoft Can you share how Microsoft’s legal team uses Gen AI in its daily work and operations? Our team (known as the Corporate, External and Legal Affairs, or CELA, team) has been identified by the company