29 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS – JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2024 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM INDONESIA RISING STARS 2024 representation of a former executive of a state-owned enterprise and two branch heads of a bank in a violation of Indonesian Corruption Law, a corporate client in a pollution-related investigation, a vessel implicated in an Indonesian Environmental Law breach due to an oil spill, and vessel accused of illegally importing hazardous waste. In commercial dispute, he successfully defended Indonesian insurance company from a $7 million claim. Prominent clients of Aswin include one of Indonesia’s largest conglomerate groups from South Sulawesi and all its subsidiaries that conduct businesses from automotive, cement, logistics and transportation, mining, property, finance sector, infrastructure, energy and media. He also represents major international shipping corporations and several Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Clubs. Alldo Fellix Januardy 32, managing partner, AVYA Law Firm Alldo Fellix Januardy, managing partner of AVYA Law Firm, established the firm in 2019 and has since led it to achieve $2.5 billion in case representation portfolios. This success stems from his expertise in handling cases related to private wealth, family enterprises, and charities. AVYA’s clientele comprises of ultra-high-net-worth individuals and families, to whom Januardy assists in matters pertaining to asset restructuring and dispute resolution. Januardy’s impressive track record showcases notable cases from various sectors. In 2021, he guided the restructuring of a complex $100 million inheritance spanning assets in Indonesia, LAW FIRM Milanti T. Kirana 38, HHR Lawyers Ichsan Perwira Kurniagung 38, FKNK Law Firm Candace Anastassia Limbong 33, Makarim & Taira S. Elsiana Inda Putri Maharani 38, K&K Advocates Tiur Henny Monica 34, MIP Law Firm Ichsan Montang 34, IM & Partners Nico Mooduto 35, SSEK Law Firm Jandi Mukianto 38, Wiem Law Firm Sri Ningsih 35, Nusantara DFDL Partnership Heru Pamungkas 36, Assegaf Hamzah & Partners Dyah Ayu Paramita 35, HHP Law Firm (Member firm of Baker McKenzie) Umar Faaris Permadi 34, SAP Advocates Nur Eka Pradata 35, GHP Law Firm Dhea Gita Pramesti 31, UMBRA – Strategic Legal Solutions Rando Purba 38, Maramis Purba Santi Singara Law Firm Genta Yaumal Quds 33, Loka Law Office Kreshna Yuditya Rahmat 38, Arete Tania Faramutia Riyanto 33, Adrem Law Firm Dinda Nurasih Saragih 35, AZP Legal Consultants