10 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 JULY 2023 How to define a “general counsel (GC)”? Amid an increasingly stringent regulatory environment and ever-changing geopolitical landscape, exceptional professionals are continuously reshaping the scope and value of the GC role through their own experiences. The fifteen GCs who made it to this year’s ALB China ranking are true exemplars in this regard. They come from diverse corporate backgrounds (including state-owned enterprises, private companies, and foreign-invested firms), spanning various industries (such as energy, aviation, TMT, biotech, manufacturing, finance, consumer goods, media and entertainment, new energy, infrastructure, and environmental protection). Additionally, these GCs hail not only from Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen but also from cities like Jinan, Nanjing, Chengdu, Changsha, and Tianjin. Despite working in different professional environments, they radiate a similar brilliance and passion for their roles. Some of the ranked GCs shared their observations with ALB on the expansion of their professional boundaries, which has brought themchallenges as well as a strong sense of professional fulfillment and achievement. THE ROAD TO GC Christy Zhou serves as the senior director of legal & compliance and internal audit departments at pharmaceutical company CanSino Biologics. Before taking on the role of legal head in the biotech industry, like many GCs, she has experience in various legal roles. Reflecting on her career path, she believes that these COVER STORY Image: Master1305/ RANKING BY ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS, TEXT BY HU YANGXIAOXIAO 排名:《亚洲法律杂志》,作者:胡阳潇潇 For the ninth consecutive year, ALB has selected outstanding general counsels in the Chinese market. Throughout this journey, we have witnessed general counsels expanding their role boundaries, shaping their own value, and achieving growth amidst challenges. They are not only valuable assets to their respective companies but also continuously script a remarkable life story with their outstanding achievements. 连续第九年,ALB评选出了中国市场上杰出的企业总法律顾问。我们一路见证总法律顾问们拓宽角色边界、塑造 自身价值、在挑战中实现成长,他们不但是所在企业的宝贵财富,也不断用优异的成绩,书写浓墨重彩的人生。