19 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA REGIONAL RANKING professional capabilities to lead in longterm development. MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES While firms in West China face external challenges, internal management policies play a crucial role in their success. Each firm has its own unique story to share based on their city and stage of development. According to Bi from Hui Ye Law Firm, the corporate model has gained popularity among many firms due to its advantages in providing high-quality middle- and back-office support. However, Hui Ye’s Chengdu office still practices the partnership model and has no immediate plans to shift to the corporate model. The partnership model fosters team harmony and maintains an extremely flat organizational structure. Partners and senior partners do not have independent offices, promoting equal communication and growth among colleagues. The Chengdu office closely operations of local companies in West China. Brand management has also gained recognition among firms in West China. Baijus, for instance, has shifted its focus to areas such as new media data analytics, award applications, activity planning and quality, internal brand satisfaction, brand market awareness, and public relations crisis management. The firm has developed various strategies, including the Baijus Golden Pen List Index to measure new media data, award application guidelines, and a comprehensive activity plan. They also conduct annual market surveys to assess brand influence and have established a public opinion emergency response mechanism to monitor real-time public opinions. These efforts have resulted in significant progress in online traffic, media exposure, and original content for Baijus. NURTURING TALENT Building the strength of a law firm monitors the development of firms that adopt the corporate model to learn from their strengths while staying true to their own approach. Bi also notes the information asymmetry between national and local firms. Regional offices should acknowledge the gap in serving businesses in firsttier cities and proactively build resources for potential booming practice areas in the future. The Chengdu office recruits teams aligned with Hui Ye’s overall development directions, focusing on practice areas such as compliance, data, environmental resources, and energy. Similarly, Sun emphasizes the alignment of Duan & Duan’s presence in West China with its overall development strategies. The firm places great importance on integrating the head office and local outfits, providing continuous practice and professional training for partners and lawyers. Duan & Duan leverages its brand advantage in cross-border legal services to support the foreign trade