2 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 JULY 2023 Asian Legal Business is available by subscription. Please visit for details. Asian Legal Business has an audited average circulation of 11,402 as of 30 September 2016.Copyright is reserved throughout. No part of this publication can be reproduced in whole or part without the express permission of the editor. Contributions are invited, but copies of work should be kept, as Asian Legal Business can accept no responsibility for loss. MCI (P) 003/02/2023 issn 0219 – 6875 KDN PPS 1867/10/2015(025605) Thomson Reuters 18 Science Park Drive Singapore 118229 / T (65) 6775 5088 / F (65) 6333 0900 10/F, Cityplaza 3, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong / T (852) 3762 3269 RANAJIT DAM, Managing Editor, Asian Legal Business, Thomson Reuters HEAD OF LEGAL MEDIA BUSINESS, ASIA & EMERGING MARKETS Amantha Chia 谢京庭 MANAGING EDITOR Ranajit Dam 邓文杰 CHINA EDITOR Hu Yangxiaoxiao 胡阳潇潇 SOCIAL MEDIA SPECIALIST Victor Wu 吴嘉林 EDITORIAL ASSOCIATE Charlie Wu 吴卓言 SENIOR CONTENT MANAGER Wang Jin 王瑾 CHINA RESEARCH Bian Jie 边洁 SENIOR DESIGNER John Agra TRAFFIC/CIRCULATION MANAGER Rozidah Jambari MEDIA PUBLISHING ADMINISTRATOR Amy Lai 黎凯盈 SALES MANAGERS Yvonne Cheung 张裕裕 China Key Accounts (852) 2847 2003 Steven Zhao 赵树群 China Key Accounts (86) 010 5669 2021 Steffi Yang 杨绮繁 South and West China (86) 010 5669 2041 Hiroshi Kaneko Japan (81) 3 4520 1192 Jonathan Yap Indonesia, Singapore (65) 9832 8945 Krupa Dalal India, Middle East, Singapore (91) 22 6189 7087 Romulus Tham Southeast Asia (65) 6870 3035 Welcome to our highly anticipated annual ranking of China’s top 15 general counsel. As the legal landscape continues to evolve in this dynamic nation, it is crucial to recognize and celebrate the exemplary individuals who are leading the charge in the corporate legal sphere. In a time of unprecedented challenges and opportunities, the role of general counsel has become more pivotal than ever. These legal leaders are at the forefront of driving innovation, fostering compliance, and safeguarding the interests of their respective organizations amidst a rapidly changing global business environment. Our rigorous selection process involved an in-depth evaluation of their legal acumen, strategic thinking, leadership capabilities, and noteworthy contributions to their companies and the legal community. The top 15 general counsel showcased exceptional dedication, navigating complex legal landscapes with finesse, and setting benchmarks for excellence within their industries. This ranking not only acknowledges the outstanding achievements of these legal luminaries but also serves as a source of inspiration for aspiring professionals in the legal fraternity. As we share their stories, we hope that their experiences, challenges, and triumphs will serve as valuable lessons for the broader legal community. As we celebrate their achievements, let us also recognize the transformative power of the legal profession in shaping the future of business in China. May this ranking continue to inspire and ignite the pursuit of excellence in the legal community for years to come. 欢迎阅读我们备受期待的年度15佳总法律顾问排名。在这个充满活力的 国度,法律环境不断发展变化,认识和庆贺这些在企业法律领域中引领潮流的 杰出人物显得至关重要。 在前所未有的挑战和机遇面前,总法律顾问的角色比以往任何时候都更为 关键。这些法律领袖处于推动创新、促进合规并在全球商业环境快速变化的背景 下保护各自组织利益的最前沿。 我们严格的评选过程包括对他们的法律才能、战略思维、领导能力以及对 公司和法律界的显著贡献进行深入评估。这15位总法律顾问展示了非凡的奉献 精神,以娴熟的技巧应对复杂的法律环境,并在自己的行业树立了卓越的标杆。 这份排名不仅是对他们杰出成就的认可,也为法律从业者提供了启示。通 过分享他们的故事,我们希望他们的经历、挑战和成功将成为法律界更广泛群 体的宝贵经验。 在庆祝他们的成就的同时,让我们也认识到法律职业在塑造中国商业未来 方面的能力。愿这份排名持续激励并点燃法律界追求卓越的激情,助力其在未来 的岁月中继续创造卓越。 CELEBRATING GENERAL COUNSEL 庆贺总法律顾问的杰出成绩