35 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA OVERCOMING CHALLENGES WITH FIRM CONVICTION Wang Yuming, a partner at Wanhuida Intellectual Property, commenced his legal career in 2009, specializing in civil and commercial litigation and corporate counseling. Since 2014, he has steadily expanded his areas of expertise, progressing from administrative litigation related to trademark authorization and determination, and civil litigation regarding trademark infringement, to encompass patent infringement litigation. Wang has carved out a career path centered on IP litigation and associated legal services. Despite not having a technical background, Wang has overcome any apprehension regarding challenges and collaborated closely with patent lawyers to successfully handle numerous cases. He attributes his growth and improved litigation strategies and skills to the support of his clients and Wanhuida. Notably, Wang vividly recalls a significant unregistered well-known trademark litigation case involving Xinhua Dictionary. The process spanned three years, commencing in 2015, during which Wang and his team successfully convinced the court that “Xinhua Dictionary” qualified as an unregistered well-known trademark. This landmark decision departed from the precedent of denying compensation in infringement litigation for unregistered well-known trademarks, ultimately securing RMB3.27 million for the client. The Xinhua Dictionary case garnered recognition as one of the top 10 IP cases in Chinese courts in 2017 and ranked among the top 10 judicial IP protection cases in Beijing courts in the same year. Furthermore, it was deemed an excellent trademark agency case by the China Trademark Association and topped the list of the top 10 IP cases compiled by the Intellectual Property Committee of the All China Lawyers Association. This complex and challenging case, characterized by a substantial volume of evidence, significantly influenced Wang’s unwavering commitment to exploring the depths of IP law. Wang Yuming’s career trajectory showcases his evolution as an IP litigator and his ability to tackle intricate cases. Despite lacking a technical background, his dedication, collaboration with colleagues, and support from clients and his firm have propelled him to handle influential trademark and patent cases. The success of the Xinhua Dictionary litigation, in particular, has solidified his belief in the importance of delving into IP law and honing his expertise in this field. THE WAY OF SERVICE Faced with evolving environments and client needs, these young lawyers have amassed unique methodologies and experience in serving their clients. Li emphasizes the importance of combining the skills of experts, problem solvers, businessmen, and team managers to address complex legal issues. Her top priorities in client service are due diligence, risk control, and a business mindset. Firstly, Li stresses the significance of taking ownership of the client’s business. She believes that by treating the client’s business as their own, the team can think ahead and provide thorough solutions. Secondly, lawyers should be risk-aware. Li understands that this is not contradictory to client service, as an accurate understanding of the professional bottom line and effective risk control, coupled with clear communication, can protect the interests of both clients and the legal professionals. Li always anticipates potential risks in projects and practices, providing appropriate warnings and guidance to clients to ensure compliance. Additionally, Li underscores the importance of a business mindset. Lawyers need to understand their clients’ business and industry, enabling them to empower their clients fully. Moreover, from a broader perspective, lawyers should be able to perceive or even predict economic trends and respond proactively. A skilled lawyer possesses business acumen and can go beyond expectations. Liang values the combination of legal compliance and business interests in her practice. She believes that lawyers should understand their clients’ business goals and models to support them RISING LAWYERS JESSIE XU 许文洁 Harney Westwood & Riegels 衡力斯律师事务所 YANG YINGFEI 杨颖菲 FenXun Partners 奋迅律师事务所 YIN CAN 尹灿 Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati 美国威尔逊·桑西尼· 古奇·罗沙迪律师事务所 ZHOU JIE 周杰 DeHeng Law Offices 德恒律师事务所 ZHOU LIN 周林 Han Kun Law Offices 汉坤律师事务所