41 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA ALB SHANGHAI IN-HOUSE LEGAL SUMMIT 2023 Chen Hao, Executive Vice President of Shanghai Corporate Counsel Association 陈浩,上海市企业法律顾问协会执行副会长 Sun Pinghui, Partner, Joint-Win Partners 孙凭慧,合伙人,上海正策律师事务所 Zhu Zhigang, Partner, Wanhuida Intellectual Property 朱志刚,合伙人,万慧达知识产权 Tang Meng, Senior Partner, Joint-Win Partners 唐萌,高级合伙人,上海正策律师事务所 Sam Li, Partner, Wanhuida Intellectual Property 李森,合伙人,万慧达知识产权 Tang Tiejun, Partner, Wanhuida Intellectual Property 唐铁军,合伙人,万慧达知识产权 Reform”, while Sun presented on the topic of “Situation Changes and Legal Risk Prevention and Control of ForeignRelated Enterprises ‘going out’.” The first presentation in Stream B was brought by four partners from Wanhuida Intellectual Property – Sam Li, Zhu Zhigang, Tang Tiejun and Bruce Yu. They elaborated on “Corporate IP Operation: Trademarks, Patents, and Trade Secrets” with plenty of details and case studies. Li Huan and Li Mingwen, both senior partners from AllBright Law Offices, delivered speeches at Stream A afterwards. Li Huan’s topic was “Corporate Governance of Start-Up Companies and Investors and Shareholders’ Rights”, while Li Mingwen focused on “Company Equity Structure Design and Corporate Governance”. Over at Stream B, Long Fei, Senior Counsel from Gen Law Firm, talked about “Administrative Penalty Procedures and Remedies”. Charles Zhao, Partner from Gen Law Firm followed by giving a presentation of “The ‘Swiss Army Knife’ in Cross-Border Disputes: Case Analysis of How Third-Party Funding Can Help Enterprises Reduce Costs, Integrate Resources and Create Models”. After a networking luncheon, the audience of the summit enjoyed an exciting panel discussion with the theme “The Advocate and the Practice - Exploring the Hot Spots of Corporate Compliance and Sharing the Experience of Compliance Management”. It was moderated by Tang Meng, Senior Partner from Joint-Win Partners. Kevin Liu, General Counsel at Poizon and Zhang Jiangbo, Legal Director of Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co., Ltd. shared their thoughts in terms of the increasing regulations and the impact of the international environment. Dennis Cai Weiping, Deputy Director of AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Center, brought the audience a speech titled “Top Tips for Drafting Dispute Resolution Clause in the World of Web 3.0”. Mr. Cai then moderated the third panel discussion – “The Reform and the Development - the Innovative Value