44 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 JULY 2023 ALB SHANGHAI IN-HOUSE LEGAL SUMMIT 2023 WORKSHOP SPONSORS SPONSOR SUPPORTING ORGANIZATION PROUDLY PRESENTED BY AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre is the sixth and latest arbitration centre established by the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO). Established in 1956, AALCO is an intergovernmental organization with a permanent observer seat at the United Nations. AALCO currently has 47 member states, compromising almost all of the major countries in Asia and Africa, with two-thirds of the world’s population and trillions of dollars in combined GDP. The new Centre is established by international law and documents at the Centre are inviolable adding to the strength and uniqueness of its “country neutral” status. This new development is expected to complement existing arbitration institutions, and help parties access new markets, promote trade, foster more collaboration to build win-win long term relationships, improve access to justice, conduct training and capacity building, and to help prevent and resolve disputes. Website: AllBright Law Offices AllBright Law Offices was founded in 1999 as a full-service law firm committed to providing highest standard quality services to clients. Based in Shanghai, China, AllBright has established offices in Beijing, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Taiyuan, Qingdao, Xiamen, Tianjin, Jinan, Hefei, Zhengzhou, Fuzhou, Nanchang, Xi’an, Guangzhou, Changchun, Wuhan, Urumqi, Haikou, Changsha, Hong Kong SAR, London, Seattle, Singapore and Tokyo. In addition, we have established an association with a Hong Kong SAR law firm, Stevenson, Wong & Co. and a strategic cooperation with an international law firm, Bird & Bird LLP. Website: GEN Law Firm GEN Law Firm is a natural result of unconditional commitment to partnership and leadership, supported by years of expertise and winning track records for our clients. We are proud of what legal profession is meant to accomplish, while we have true listening for what is important to our clients and relentlessly look for new and multi-dimensional solutions. We ongoingly generate trust and produce impact for our clients. Our primary practice focuses on corporate, dispute resolution, intellectual property and regulatory affairs (antitrust, data privacy, environment, product quality compliance, etc.). We uniquely apply legal methodology in managing public affairs and achieve great effectiveness in handling some most complex and challenging issues for our clients. Website: Joint-Win Partners Professionalism Oriented, Client Value First Founded in 2008, Joint-Win Partners is headquartered in Shanghai and has branches in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Changzhou, Jiangyin, Nantong and Shangrao. We have established our first overseas branch in Hanoi, Vietnam, and offices in Tokyo, Japan and Jakarta, Indonesia. Currently, Joint-Win Partners has nearly 500 practicing lawyers dedicated to providing professional legal services for the market. Attorneys at Joint-Win Partners have built up a wide reputation and public praise in the industry by developing accurate and meticulous solutions to meet client needs efficiently and comprehensively. After more than ten years of exploration and transformation, Joint-Win Partners has become a leading all-round law firm in the industry. Website: Wanhuida Intellectual Property Wanhuida Intellectual Property is a leading IP service provider in China. It integrates resources for serving client needs in China’s vibrant market. The firm is known for its mix of legal expertise and result-oriented approach, cumulative experiences in groundbreaking cases and multilingual and interdisciplinary skills. Its active involvement in policy and law developments gives it good sense on the direction of laws and equips its professionals with insights that is critical for protecting clients’ interests. Website: 贸企业的合规困境及破题之道”。孙 凭慧律师带来了题为“涉外企业‘走 出去’的环境变化与法律风险防控” 的演讲。 开启B会场主题演讲环节的是万 慧达知识产权的四位合伙人——李森 律师、朱志刚律师、唐铁军律师和俞 则刚律师,他们围绕企业知识产权运 行主题下的商标、专利、商业秘密等 专题进行阐释。 A会场随后迎来了锦天城律师事 务所高级合伙人李欢律师和高级合 伙人李明文律师。李欢律师的分享 主题是“创业公司的公司治理与投 资人股东权利”。李明文律师则以“ 公司股权架构设计与公司治理”为 主题进行分享。 B会场上午的第二个环节由己 任律师事务所的合伙人级高级顾问 龙非先生及合伙人赵旗志律师进行 主题演讲。龙非先生的话题为“行政 处罚程序的判断、应对与救济”,赵 旗志律师就“跨境争议中的‘瑞士军 刀’:案例解析第三方资助如何助力 企业降低成本、整合资源与模式创 新”展开分享。 交流午餐过程中及茶歇间隙, 与会嘉宾和各位演讲者、讨论嘉宾 展开了热烈交流。 下午的会场迎来第二个话题 讨论环节,主题为“倡导与实践—— 探寻企业合规热点,分享合规管理 心得”,由上海正策律师事务所高 级合伙人唐萌律师主持,得物总法 律顾问刘克先生、浙江华友钴业股 份有限公司法务总监张江波先生参 与讨论。嘉宾们就当下企业合规热 点、如何应对不断加强的监管、国 际环境对合规监管的影响等话题 展开讨论。 随后,亚非法协香港区域仲裁中 心副主任蔡伟平先生进行主题演讲, 题为“Web 3.0下起草争议解决条款 的重要提示”。 蔡伟平先生继而主持了本次峰 会第三场精彩话题讨论:变革与发 展——法务和律师在企业发展中的 创新价值。英矽智能总法律顾问王 君女士、杰特贝林中国法务负责人 张琳女士作为讨论嘉宾参与其中。 嘉宾们就时代大变局的背景下所在 行业的现状和发展趋势、企业法务 如何运用法律思维和法律敏感度帮 助企业前瞻布局、达成商业目标等 话题展开讨论。 当天峰会一直持续到下午5 点,并在意犹未尽的气氛中圆满结 束。ALB感谢上海同仁对于本次活 动的支持,也期待与大家不久后上 海再见!