9 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA DEALS $876MLN XIAMEN C&D’s acquisition of partial stake of Red Star Macalline Group Deal Type: M&A Firms: Clifford Chance Jurisdictions: China 厦门建发收购红星美凯龙部分股权 交易类型:并购 参与律所:高伟绅律师事务所 管辖地:中国 $583MLN Huayou Cobalt’s GDR listing on SIX Deal Type: ECM Firm: Linklaters, Clifford Chance, Jingtian & Gongcheng, Grandall Law Firm Jurisdictions: China, Switzerland 华友钴业瑞交所上市 交易类型:股权融资 参与律所:年利达律师事务所、 高伟绅律师事务所、竞天公诚律师事务所、 国浩律师事务所 管辖地:中国,瑞士 $386MLN Drinda New Energy Technology’s private placement of new shares Deal Type: ECM Firm: Merits & Tree Jurisdictions: China 钧达股份向特定对象发行股票 交易类型:股权融资 参与律所:植德律师事务所 管辖地:中国 $278MLN Liaoning Fangda Group’s issuance of medium term notes Deal Type: Note Firm: DeHeng Law Offices Jurisdictions: China 辽宁方大发行第一期中期票据 交易类型:票据 参与律所:德恒律师事务所 管辖地:中国 $205MLN XDLK Microsystem’s listing on the STAR Market Deal Type: ECM Firm: Grandway Law Offices Jurisdictions: China 芯动联科科创板上市 交易类型:股权融资 参与律所:国枫律师事务所 管辖地:中国 $205MLN Foxconn Interconnect Technology’s acquisition of FIT Voltaira Deal Type: M&A Firms: Sullivan & Cromwell Jurisdictions: China, Switzerland 鸿腾精密科技收购FIT Voltaira 交易类型:并购 参与律所:苏利文•克伦威尔律师事务所 管辖地:中国,瑞士 $174MLN Mengniu’s acquisition of Yashili Deal Type: M&A Firm: Sullivan & Cromwell Jurisdictions: China 蒙牛对雅士利私有化 交易类型:并购 参与律所:苏利文•克伦威尔律师事务所 管辖地:中国 $166MLN Kelun-Biotech’s listing on HKEX Deal Type: ECM Firm: King & Wood Mallesons, Kirkland & Ellis, Global Law Office, Sullivan & Cromwell, Zhong Lun Law Firm Jurisdictions: China, Hong Kong SAR 科伦博泰香港上市 交易类型:股权融资 参与律所:金杜律师事务所、 凯易律师事务所、环球律师事务所、 苏利文•克伦威尔律师事务所、 中伦律师事务所 管辖地:中国,中国香港特别行政区 $127MLN Longhorn Auto’s listing on GEM Deal Type: ECM Firms: Commerce & Finance Law Offices Jurisdictions: China 豪恩汽电创业板上市 交易类型:股权融资 参与律所:通商律师事务所 管辖地:中国