15 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS – JULY 2024 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM COVER STORY a proven track record acting for highvalue shareholders. Kho Sze Jia managing partner and head of dispute resolution, Izad Kazran & Co With over 11 years of legal experience, Kho Sze Jia serves as the managing partner and head of dispute resolution at Izad Kazran & Co in Malaysia. Renowned for his expertise in navigating complex legal challenges, Kho has a distinguished record representing highprofile clients. In the past year alone, Kho guided the Country Garden (CG) Group of Companies in Malaysia through the real estate crisis in China, negotiating settlements exceeding 10 million Malaysian Ringgit ($2.3 million) to prevent a winding-up petition against CG. Currently, he is actively managing multiple critical disputes for CG, including the defense against numerous Liquidated and Ascertained Damages (LAD) claims by purchasers, totaling over 10 million Malaysian Ringgit ($2.3 million). These challenges stem from the Malaysian Federal Court’s invalidation of an extension of time granted by the Housing Controller, exposing CG to significant LAD liabilities. Furthermore, Kho represents CG in disputes with its main contractor and consultants over construction works at Forest City, Malaysia, involving breach of contract, professional negligence, and fraud, with a quantum exceeding 5 million Malaysian Ringgit ($1.15 million). He also represents CG in claiming for balance purchase price under Sale and Purchase Agreements (SPAs) at Forest City from purchasers around the World amounting to more than 200 million Malaysian Ringgit ($ 46 million) and defends CG against claims by purchasers seeking to invalidate SPAs, amounting to over 10 million Malaysian Ringgit ($2.3 million), based on allegations of misrepresentation. Clients commend Kho for his “prompt response with clear articulation for litigation advice” and his “ability to draw reasonable, logical conclusions from limited information.” His approach is described as “detailed, meticulous yet commercial and sensible.” One client also praises IKC’s team as “one of the best in the country,” highlighting their comprehensive expertise, responsiveness, and effective project communication. Rakesh Kirpalani director of dispute resolution & information technology, chief technology officer, Drew & Napier Rakesh Kirpalani is a highly respected legal professional known for his unique blend of legal acumen, commercial savvy, and technological expertise. With 17 years at Drew & Napier, he currently serves as director of dispute resolution and information technology and chief technology officer. Kirpalani leads Drew & Napier’s information technology practice, integrating his deep understanding of technology with his background in commercial dispute resolution. His strategic counsel covers risk mitigation and dispute resolution in technology, data, commercial, and employment issues. Clients praise his handling of legal and technical complexities, saying, “Rakesh’s grasp of emerging tech issues has ensured that my organization’s risk profile is well managed. His appreciation of tech law issues is among the best in Singapore. He approaches all possible issues from a disputes-first perspective, enabling him to anticipate possible disputes and advise us accordingly.” As a proficient trial lawyer, Kirpalani is dedicated to bridging the gap between legal practitioners, judges, arbitrators, and technologists. He promotes enhanced collaboration to simplify legal complexities related to technology, ensuring smoother navigation for clients and the judiciary alike. Beyond his professional roles, Kirpalani serves as honorary legal counsel of Cyber Youth Singapore, engaging with young technologists to shape Singapore’s digital future. His commitment to the community is evident in his pro Baldev Bhinder BlackStone & Gold, Singapore Tran Duy Canh Dentons LuatViet, Vietnam Chan Leng Sun, SC Duxton Hill Chambers, Singapore Orijit Chatterjee Fox Mandal Solicitors & Advocates, India Allen Choong Rahmat Lim & Partners, Malaysia Heidi Chui Stevenson, Wong & Co., Hong Kong Jonathan Crompton RPC, Hong Kong Phisit Dejchaiyasak Weerawong, Chinnavat & Partners, Thailand Sophia Feng Allen & Gledhill, Singapore Aldi Firmansyah FKNK Law Firm, Indonesia Frederick Hui Zhong Lun Law Firm, Hong Kong Byung-Woo Im Kim & Chang, South Korea Andi Kadir HHP Law Firm, Indonesia Pariyapol Kamolsilp Herbert Smith Freehills, Thailand Sanjeev Kapoor Khaitan & Co, India Kho Sze Jia Izad Kazran & Co (IKC), Malaysia