19 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS – JULY 2024 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM driven by extensive experience and comprehensive legal knowledge. Mahesh Rai Director of dispute resolution, Drew & Napier Mahesh Rai, director of dispute resolution at Drew & Napier, has over 15 years of experience and is highly regarded in commercial litigation, commercial and treaty arbitration across industries like construction, telecommunications, IT, shipping, energy, and commodities. In arbitration, Rai achieved significant victories. For instance, he represented Daelim Industrial in a high-stakes arbitration against ONGC Petro Additions Limited (OPAL), reducing OPAL’s $430 million claim to nominal damages of $6,000 through meticulous crossexamination. Rai also led the defence for a major Asian conglomerate in an SIAC arbitration where claims of nearly $400 million were brought. In court, Rai leads groundbreaking cases, including representing 377 claimants in a $65 million representative action against Terraform Labs, a milestone in Singapore’s cryptocurrency scene involving product liability, misrepresentation, and fraud. He also secured victories for The Wave Studio in a copyright infringement suit against the General Hotel Management group, establishing infringement of hundreds of photographs at trial and on appeal. A client said, “Mahesh is highly strategic and consistently achieves wins in challenging cases.” Another noted, “He’s a pleasure to work with.” Another client added, “He’s unmatched in his field.” “Mahesh adeptly navigates complex issues and delivers commercially savvy solutions.” Recognized for his outstanding advocacy and strategic insights, Rai is a trusted advisor sought after for his ability to manage multifaceted disputes with precision and expertise. Wincen Santoso Partner, Santoso, Martinus & Muliawan Advocates With 15 years of legal experience, Wincen Santoso is a highly respected partner at Santoso, Martinus & Muliawan Advocates in Indonesia. He specializes in dispute resolution and corporate & commercial law, with a track record of handling complex and high-stakes cases. In the past year, Santoso has led his team in representing one of the world’s largest independent maintenance, repair, and overhaul providers, in an intricate proceeding before the Indonesia Supreme Court. This case involved multiple lawsuits, including tort, labor, bankruptcy, and criminal issues. Under his strategic leadership, the team successfully defended against the opposing party’s BROUGHT TO YOU BY JUN HE LAW OFFICES A conversation with Alan Tsui How does it feel to be recognized as one of the top disputes lawyers by Asian Legal Business? Being recognized as one of the top disputes lawyers by ALB is truly an honor and a validation of my hard work and dedication in this field. It feels incredibly rewarding to have my expertise acknowledged by a prestigious publication like ALB, especially considering the competitiveness of the legal industry in Asia. This recognition serves as motivation to continue striving for excellence and delivering exceptional results for my clients. What sets you apart or makes you stand out from other disputes lawyers? What sets me apart from other disputes lawyers is my deep specialization and expertise in specific areas of disputes and litigation. Over the years, I have focused my practice on complex commercial and company disputes and I believe my commitment to staying updated with the latest legal developments, my ability to think creatively, and my strong advocacy skills contribute to setting me apart in the field. What advice would you give to young lawyers aspiring to become top disputes counsel? For young lawyers aspiring to become top disputes counsel, my advice would be to prioritize building a strong foundation of legal knowledge and skills. Seek opportunities to work on challenging cases and learn from experienced supervisors. Developing effective communication and advocacy skills, both written and oral, is crucial for success in this field. Additionally, strive for excellence, maintain high ethical standards, and consistently deliver quality work. Building a strong professional network and staying updated with developments in the legal industry are also important for career growth. arbitration. This specialization has allowed me to develop an in-depth understanding of these areas, enabling me to provide strategic and tailored solutions to my clients. Additionally, Alan Tsui Partner E: Jun He Law Offices Suite 3701-10, 37/F, Jardine House 1 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong W: