21 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS – JULY 2024 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM informed at every stage of the process. By providing honest assessments and setting realistic expectations, Alan builds strong, trust-based relationships with his clients. His dedication to being accessible and focused on achieving the best possible outcomes reflects his commitment to delivering exceptional legal representation and support. At Jun He Law Offices, Tsui continues to leverage his extensive knowledge and experience to guide clients through complex legal challenges, consistently aiming to achieve optimal results while maintaining the highest standards of professional integrity. Jimmy Yim, SC chairman, Drew & Napier Jimmy Yim, SC, is the chairman of Drew & Napier and was the managing director of its celebrated dispute resolution practice group for 15 years. With over four decades of legal experience, Yim is a leading expert in dispute resolution, arbitration, and litigation, specializing in infrastructure, construction, investigations and crisis management, telecommunications, media, and technology. One of Yim’s notable cases involved representing Wang Xiaopu, a wealthy PRC individual, against Dr. Goh Seng Heng and his family members in a S$40 million ($28.50 million) claim. The complex legal battle, which spanned from 2015 to 2023, saw Yim secure favorable judgments from the Singapore High Court and Court of Appeal, effectively arguing that Dr Goh, a renowned medical practitioner fraudulently fleeced his client of S$30 million and when he failed to pay the judgement debt, Yim successfully pursued the family assets in a separate suit on the ground that he had fraudulently transferred them to evade creditors. Yim’s arbitration experience includes representing DyStar Global Holdings and Daelim Industrial Company Limited. For DyStar, Yim achieved significant victories before the Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC), High Court, and the Court of Appeal. In the case of Daelim Industrial, his strategic approach led to a favorable outcome, after a decade-long arbitration process. Clients consistently praise Yim for his empathy and patience. One client remarked, “He talks in layman’s terms instead of legal jargon and takes the time to explain his legal advice and approach, ensuring that I’m with him every step of the way, rather than just following blindly.” Another client noted, “Jimmy is a great lawyer who should be recognized and serve as a role model for other lawyers aspiring to be exceptional.” His attention to detail, extensive legal knowledge, and depth of experience, combined with a keen sense of commercial reality, have earned him admiration and respect. “The relationship with Jimmy goes beyond that of lawyer and client,” said a satisfied client. BROUGHT TO YOU BY ZHONG LUN LAW FIRM LLP A conversation with Frederick Hui How does it feel to be recognized as one of the top disputes lawyers by ALB? Being recognized as one of the Super 50 Disputes Lawyers in Asia by Asian Legal Business is a humbling experience to be acknowledged among esteemed peers and experts in the industry. It is a great honour and affirmation of my expertise and contributions within the dispute resolution and litigation field. This recognition motivates me to continue striving for excellence in my practice and uphold the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. I am grateful for this recognition and will continue to work diligently to serve my clients and the legal community to the best of interests as my paramount consideration. What sets you apart or makes you stand out from other disputes lawyers? I have extensive experience in dispute resolution and litigation field for over 19 years. Throughout the years, I continuously upgrade myself by gaining related professional qualifications. I am an arbitrator as well as one of the 97 Solicitor Advocates (Civil) in Hong Kong. I have completed the Certificate in Leadership in Law Firms at Harvard Law School and currently a candidate of a D.B.A disputes cases, I always employ a strategic and methodical approach. By analysing facts of the case, identifying key issues and thinking further to anticipate potential challenges so as to develop a comprehensive legal strategy. I am proactive in case management by effective communication with clients, opposing counsel and other stakeholders that makes me successful in handling high-stakes disputes cases. How do you strike a balance between being an effective advocate and maintaining professional ethics? As a disputes lawyer, it is essential to vigorously advocate for your client’s interests while upholding the ethical standards of the legal profession, which is a fundamental aspect of practicing law. We should also adhere to honesty, integrity, and fairness in all aspects of legal profession. To maintain the balance, it is important to always act in the best interests of our client and manage their expectations within the bounds of the law and professional ethics. We can then achieve successful outcomes for them and at the same time uphold the integrity of the entire legal system. program co-organized by Peking University and the University of Hong Kong. The combination of my legal expertise and qualifications, strategic thinking, effective communication skills and a strong commitment to client advocacy make me stand out from other disputes lawyers. How do you approach complex or high-stakes disputes cases? When approaching complex or high-stakes Frederick Hui Co-Managing Partner E: Zhong Lun Law Firm LLP W: