1 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA CONTENTS BRI EFS 4 Briefs 焦点故事 6 Appointments 律师转所信息 7 Deals 交易 COVER STORY 8 2024 ALB China Regional Ranking: West China Firms, Rising Lawyers, Client Choice 2024 ALB China 区域市场排名: 西部地区律所、 律师新星、 客户首选律师 ALB has set its sights on the West China region for the third consecutive year, observing with industry players the development trend of the legal services market there. ALB连续第三年将目 光锁定于广袤的西部 地区,与业界共同关 注当地法律服务市场 的发展走向。 Ranking by ALB, text by Victor Wu FEATURES 16 Global mindset 探索全新“出海”策略 Chinese law firms are adapting their global strategies in the post-pandemic era, responding to evolving client needs and shifting overseas expansion patterns. ALB对话中国领先律 师事务所的管理者, 希望了解“后疫情”时 代中国律所国际化策 略的变化、客户海外 法律需求的演进,以 及律所下一步的全球 发展计划。 22 Navigating compliance complexities 穿越合规“迷雾” The international business operations of Chinese enterprises are constantly evolving, and the scope of overseas compliance they must navigate is becoming more diverse and complex. 中国企业的国际化经 营需求及能力不断提 升,他们所面对的境 外合规维度也日益多 元、深度不断加剧。在 此背景下,中国律师 事务所正在持续提升 境外合规领域的法律 服务能力。 26 An evolving scene 争议解决业务持续 演进 The shrinking of transactional work stands in contrast to the “return” of dispute resolution to the centre of the business of law firms in the past two years. 在交易类项目缩减的 情况下,过去两年,争 议解决某种程度上“ 重返”业务舞台中心, 在律所营收中扮演愈 发重要的角色。 32 Legal elites feted at ALB China Law Awards for the 21st year 二零二四年ALB中国 法律大奖颁奖盛典圆 满举办 On May 23, 2024, the 21st annual ALB China Law Awards ceremony took place at Rosewood Beijing, with 44 awards being presented during this unforgettable night. 2024年5月23日,二 零二四年ALB中国 法律大奖颁奖盛典 于北京瑰丽酒店成 功举办,大奖44个 奖项相继颁出,您将 在本期杂志中一览获 奖名单。 With contribution from: • Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati 美国威尔逊律师事务所 16 GLOBAL MINDSET 探索全新“出海”策略 Image: Rob Nazh/