15 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA COVER STORY Shi Qi JunHe LLP Shi Qi, a Master of Laws from Beihang University, is a partner at JunHe Xi’an office. She specializes in resolving complex commercial disputes with a high level of empathy and a keen professional perspective, deeply understanding the litigation objectives behind each case and empathizing with the potential adverse consequences that clients may face. Ms. Shi leverages her extensive litigation practice experience to delve into cutting-edge legal issues and align with judges’ thinking. In diverse contexts of individual cases, she unravels the facts and reconstructs them. With extreme dedication to work and exceptional communication skills, she has successfully represented clients in numerous complex and challenging cases, including a dispute over the mandatory surplus distribution between Huadian Shaanxi Energy Co., Ltd. and Shaanxi Pine Valley Coal Corporation, minimizing clients’ economic losses and maximizing commercial interests. Her excellent representation has won high recognition from clients. Ms. Shi also pays particular attention to industry trends and legal issues in corporate, mineral resources and energy, factoring, and financing leasing, constantly voicing her opinions within the industry. 史琦 君合律师事务所 史琦律师,北京航空航天大学法学 硕士,北京市君合(西安)律师事务 所合伙人。她致力于疑难复杂商事 案件的争议解决,以女性高度的同 理心以及敏锐的专业视角,深刻领 悟每个案件背后的诉讼目标,感同 身受地体谅客户可能承担的不利后 果,借助丰富的诉讼实务经验,深度 研究法律前沿问题,契合法官思维, 在个案不同语境中,抽丝剥茧、重构 事实,通过极致的作业态度与良好 的沟通能力,带领团队成功代理了 华电陕西能源有限公司诉陕西华彬 煤业股份有限公司强制盈余分配纠 纷等诸多疑难复杂案件,最大程度 帮助客户减少经济损失、实现商业 利益,良好的代理效果赢得了客户 的高度认可。 史琦律师还重点关注公司领域、 矿产能源领域、保理及融资租赁领域 的行业动态及法律问题,持续在业内 发声。 Zhang Zitan Hai Run Law Firm Zhang Zitan, founding member and head of operations of Hai Run Law Firm Xi’an Office, has long been dedicated to dispute resolution and insolvency & restructuring. She has handled numerous challenging and complex cases, and her professionality in commercial litigation is widely recognized, the total value of cases has exceeded 10 billion CNY. She completed the first special jurisdiction transfer case from the High People’s Court of Shaanxi Province to Maritime Court. She also worked with her team to handle multiple projects of insolvency, liquidation, restructuring and dissolution, two of which are among top 10 typical cases of insolvency in Shaanxi courts from 2019 to 2022. Zhang has in-house and corporate lawyer work experience in a Chinese central SOE, focusing on energy and other industries in West China, deeply understanding the needs of customers. She can give first-class service experience, provide valuable solutions, and win customer trust. Zhang has consistently focused on gender equality in the legal profession, dedicated to building women-friendly team and law firm. She is also a tutor at China University of Political Science and Law. 张紫檀 海润天睿律师事务所 张紫檀律师参与筹建了海润天睿西 安办公室,是负责行政管理运营工作 的管委会委员,长期深耕争议解决、 破产与重组等业务领域。近年来,她 处理了大量疑难复杂案件,在商事诉 讼领域的专业度得到广泛认可,案件 累计标的过百亿元,亦曾作为代理人 完成陕西省高院第一起海事法院专 门管辖移送案件;与所在团队处理多 起破产清算、破产重整和解散清算项 目,其中两起被评为2019-2022陕西 法院破产十大典型案例。 张律师兼具央企法务及公司律 师工作经历,聚焦能源等西部地区优 势行业领域,深刻理解区域内客户的 真实需求,能够给予坦诚友好的服务 体验、提供有价值的解决方案并赢得 客户信赖。张律师也持续关注法律行 业的性别平权,致力于建设女性友好 的团队及律所;她还受聘担任中国政 法大学实践导师。 2024 WEST CHINA RANKING PROFILES Some lawyers have been featured alphabetically in profiles. 以下按姓氏首字母顺序排列,您将一览部分上榜律师风采。