16 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 JULY 2024 In the post-pandemic era, Chinese companies are showing a growing interest in international ventures, prompting Chinese law firms to expand their global footprint. These firms are establishing new offices and forging partnerships abroad to provide comprehensive legal services in regions where Chinese businesses are increasingly active. DeHeng Law Offices, headquartered in Beijing, exemplifies this trend with its extensive international presence. The firm now boasts 11 overseas offices, complementing its Hong Kong SAR branch. Notably, DeHeng’s offices in Laos, Tokyo, and Seoul were established after 2020. According to Frank Li, DeHeng’s managing partner, the strategic locations of these new offices reflect the evolving overseas expansion strategies of Chinese firms in the postpandemic landscape. “Before the pandemic, China’s overseas investments mainly targeted Europe and the US. Now, there is a clear shift toward places such as Southeast Asia, ‘Stan’ countries, countries along the route of the ‘Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)’, Africa and South America,” observes Li. Cheng Shoutai, chief partner at Tahota Law Firm, has observed the same changes. “Affected by geopolitical reasons, Chinese firms start to pay more attention to the ASEAN market. Investment in South Asia and Southeast Asia is expected to remain one hot spot and focus area of legal services for a period of time.” Over the past four years, Tahota has opened offices in Kathmandu (Nepal), Bangkok (Thailand), and Vientiane MP ROUNDTABLE Chinese law firms are adapting their global strategies in the post-pandemic era, responding to evolving client needs and shifting overseas expansion patterns. Leaders of top Chinese firms reveal new priorities, challenges, and opportunities as they navigate the changing landscape of international legal services in an increasingly interconnected world. ALB对话中国领先律师事务所的管理者,希望了解“后疫情”时代中国律所国际化策略的变化、客户海外法律需求的演进, 以及律所下一步的全球发展计划。 BY HU YANGXIAOXIAO 作者:胡阳潇潇 GLOBAL MINDSET 探索全新“出海”策略