31 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA ALB CHINA DISPUTE RESOLUTION FORUM 2024 行难的现状切入,通过今年1-3月法院立 案的具体数据,指出其中的特点与发展趋 势。随后,方律师结合真实案例展开讲解, 并特别关注了“判决生效前转移财产是否 构成拒执罪”这一问题。此外,他还介绍了 通过追加达到执行目的、通过破产化解换 壳经营执行问题两大方法。最后,方律师 直言,兵无常势,水无常情,律师要做到攻 城为下,攻心为上,方能达到不战而屈人 之兵,善之善者也的境地。 气氛热烈的交流午餐后,论坛迎来 了下午的议程。 下午的议程首先迎来主题讨论环 节,由邦信阳律师事务所的三位合伙人: 陈鹏律师、夏晓萍律师、杨文珺律师共 同展开。他们围绕“从房地产行业困境 看企业如何利用重整破局”这一主题进 行分享。 陈鹏律师首先介绍了引入重整投资 人的意义,尤其关注于这一角色的作用和 影响;夏晓萍律师则针对重整纾困的具体 上午的论坛首先迎来第一个重磅 讨论环节,围绕“企业涉争议解决经验 及其防范建议经验分享”话题展开,由 正策律师事务所破产管理业务中心主 任王永杰律师主持,邀请到捷迈医疗国 际贸易有限公司法务合规总监薛益中 先生、海隆石油工业集团总法律顾问张 然女士、晨曦控股法务合规部副总经理 赵丽女士参与。 几位嘉宾结合当下环境和所在行业 特点,对于企业所面临的主要争议解决问 题、值得关注的争议热点以及强化企业法 律风险防范机制和风险管理体系的方法, 分享了一手经验。 炜衡律师事务所高级合伙人吴俍君 律师随后登场,带来了“以诉讼视角看公 司法的修订”主题演讲。 吴俍君律师从新公司法概述出发, 介绍了其中与诉讼相关的修订亮点,并 深入解析了新公司法对相关利益主体的 影响。随后,吴律师结合具体案例,从六 大方面展开,分别对公司基本制度;有限 责任公司的股东出资;股份有限公司的 股份发行和转让;董事、监事、高管资格 义务;公司财务会计制度及减资,以及公 司清算和注销话题进行了深入剖析。最 后,吴律师也特别解读了各板块所需注 意的问题与难点。 论坛随后进入茶歇时间,各位与会宾 客与演讲嘉宾展开了热烈交流。 茶歇过后,带来精彩演讲的是正策 律师事务所高级合伙人方智成律师,他 的演讲题为“企业应收账款执行难现状 与破解”。 方智成律师首先从企业应收账款执 WORKSHOP SPONSORS SPONSOR Boss&Young Attorneys at Law Boss&Young Attorneys at Law (“Boss &Young”) was established in 1995, and is a full-scale comprehensive law firm with its headquarters in Shanghai. Boss&Young has branch offices in Beijing, Nanjing, Wuhan, Hangzhou, Xian, Ningbo, Xiamen, Zhengzhou, Lin-gang Special Area, etc., with more than 80 partners and 300 associates.Boss&Young is engaged in almost all legal areas including international legal practice, real estate and construction, financial legal practice (including venture capital and private equity funds, banking, trusts and insurance); intellectual property, and international commercial arbitration and dispute resolution. The firm is leading in these practice areas and has been realized by many global famous rating agencies, including Chambers, The Legal 500, ALB China Law Awards and so on. Boss & Young’s excellent legal service has also been recognized by Shanghai municipal government and bar association. The firm has received many honorary titles, such as Shanghai excellent law firm, Advanced collective of Shanghai judicial administration, and the Quality award from the district governor of Huangpu district. Website: Joint-Win Partners Founded in 2008, Joint-Win Partners is headquartered in Shanghai and has branches in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Changzhou, Jiangyin, Nantong,Shangrao and Zhengzhou. We have established our first overseas branch in Hanoi, Vietnam, and offices in Tokyo, Japan and Jakarta, Indonesia. Currently, Joint-Win Partners has more than 600 practicing lawyers dedicated to providing professional legal services for the market. Attorneys at Joint-Win Partners have built up a wide reputation and good public praise in the industry by developing accurate and meticulous solutions to meet client needs efficiently and comprehensively. After more than ten years of exploration and transformation, Joint-Win Partners has become a leading all-round law firm in the industry. Website: W&H Law Firm Founded 1995, W&H Law Firm was established by the core members of the former China Affairs Center of Ministry of Justice. Headquartered in Beijing, we have over 50 branches at home and abroad. With over 5,000 legal practitioners and supporting staff, we have become one of the largest general law firms in China.Ever since our founding in 1995, we have always been upholding the professional principles and values of “Insight, Communication, Solution, Conscience”. Based on our excellent performance, we have been recognized by the world’s renowned legal business rating agencies, such as Asian Legal Business (ALB), The Legal 500, Chambers and Partners, etc. In the future, we are confident to provide comprehensive, high-quality, and efficient legal services for both domestic and international clients. Website: 模式和优势与风险进行探讨;杨文珺律师 从重组利得税及房企破产土增税分析出 发,对其概念、可能出现的问题以及处理 方式进行了解读。 三位律师精彩的分享后,论坛迎来 第二个重磅话题讨论环节,由邦信阳律 师事务所主任杜爱武律师主持,邀请到 onsemi 安森美半导体法务总监Nora Hu 女士、晨曦控股法务合规部副总经理赵丽 女士,共同就“从争议解决案件中看当下 企业法务实践”展开讨论。 几位嘉宾从各自行业领域发生的热 点案件或企业的商业纠纷成功解决案例 出发,阐述了有效谈判的策略和技巧,以 及企业法务与争议解决律师如何做到互 补、协同的心得经验。 在与会者热烈的掌声中,2024 ALB 中国争议解决论坛圆满落幕。ALB始终 期待为法律人创造良好并有价值的交流 平台,感谢各位参会嘉宾和演讲者对本 次论坛的支持,期待不久后上海再见!