38 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 JULY 2024 ALB CHINA LAW AWARDS 2024 Dealmaker of the Year - China 年度交易律师大奖 – 中国组 Charles Li, Han Kun Law Offices 李朝应, 汉坤律师事务所 Dealmaker of the Year - International 年度交易律师大奖 – 国际组 Tim Wang, Clifford Chance LLP 王彦峰, 高伟绅律师事务所 Dispute Resolution Lawyer of the Year 年度争议解决律师大奖 Shi Lei, Clifford Chance LLP 时磊, 高伟绅律师事务所 Woman Lawyer of the Year 年度女性律师大奖 Ouyang Dan, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati 欧阳丹, 美国威尔逊·桑西尼·古奇·罗沙迪 律师事务所 Young Lawyer of the Year 年度青年律师大奖 Amin Li, Commerce & Finance Law Offices 李阿敏, 通商律师事务所 Managing Partner of the Year 年度管理合伙人大奖 Zhao Yang, Jingtian & Gongcheng 赵洋, 竞天公诚律师事务所 Anti-Trust & Competition Law Firm of the Year 年度反垄断与竞争法律师事务所大奖 King & Wood Mallesons 金杜律师事务所 Banking Law Firm of the Year 年度银行业律师事务所大奖 Global Law Office 环球律师事务所 Regulatory Compliance Law Firm of the Year - China 年度合规律师事务所大奖 – 中国组 King & Wood Mallesons 金杜律师事务所 CYBER SECURITY AND DATA PROTECTION LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR Wu Han, King & Wood Mallesons; Yang Miao, Beijing Kingsoft Cloud Network Technology (Presenter) 吴涵,金杜;杨淼,金山云(颁奖嘉宾) LLINKS AWARD DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN-HOUSE TEAM OF THE YEAR Colin Bai, The Legal Department of Lenovo China; Christophe Han, Llinks Law Offices (Presenter) 白晓康,联想集团中国区法律部;韩炯,通力(颁奖嘉宾) HAN KUN AWARD NEW ENERGY IN-HOUSE TEAM OF THE YEAR Sun Gu, Legal and Intellectual Property Team of Li Auto; zaiguang LU, Han Kun Law Offices (Presenter) 孙谷,理想汽车法务与知识产权团队;卢在光,汉坤 (颁奖嘉宾) HYLANDS AWARD HEALTHCARE AND PHARMACEUTICAL IN-HOUSE TEAM OF THE YEAR Aaron Shao, Abbott Legal, Greater China; Qi JIANG, Hylands Law Firm (Presenter) 邵明,雅培大中华区法律部;蒋琪,浩天(颁奖嘉宾) King & Wood Mallesons has always embraced a spirit of innovation, aiming to innovate both the content and delivery of legal services. This approach has been recognized and appreciated by our clients. 感谢客户的信赖!金杜一直以来秉 承创新精神,希望创新法律服务的 内容和提供方式,这点也得到了客 户的认可。 Our selection process is very rigorous, and only top talents join the Li Auto legal team. Additionally, we collaborate exceptionally well with external lawyers, supporting each other to achieve success. 我们的筛选机制非常严格,加入理 想汽车法务团队的都是精英;第二, 我们和专业律师团队配合得非常好, 大家互帮互助,取得了今天的成绩。 This award is a recognition of our efforts in digital transformation. We believe that digitalization can change the way we work and live, and we hope to leave our mark in this process. 这个奖项是对联想集团中国区法务 部做数字化转型工作的一个阶段性 认可。我们相信数字化能改变工作、 改变生活,我们希望在此过程中留下 自己的印记。 We are especially proud of our company and team for receiving this award. I believe it is the result of team spirit and close collaboration. We also thank Abbott for providing a platform for the team. 能够获得这个奖项,特别为我们的 公司和团队感到骄傲。我想这是团 队精神和通力协作的结果,也感谢 雅培为团队提供了平台。