39 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA ALB CHINA LAW AWARDS 2024 ANLI PARTNERS AWARD MNC IN-HOUSE TEAM OF THE YEAR Yao Jianbo, HSBC China Legal Team; Jun JI, Anli & Partners (Presenter) 姚建波,汇丰中国法律团队;姬军,安理(颁奖嘉宾) CHINESE PRIVATE OWNED COMPANY IN-HOUSE TEAM OF THE YEAR Aaron Chen, Legal Center of EVE Energy; Amantha Chia, Thomson Reuters (Presenter) 陈卓瑛,惠州亿纬锂能股份有限公司法务中心;谢京庭,汤森路透(颁奖嘉宾) We are a highly experienced team, with our lawyers averaging around 15 years of professional experience. We also work closely with business units and other support departments, ensuring everything is done to the highest standard. 我们是一个非常成熟的团队,律师 的平均工作时间在15年左右;我们 也和业务及其他后台部门合作紧 密,大家一起把事情做好。 The new energy sector is rapidly developing and expanding internationally. In this process, safeguarding the company’s global expansion has given our legal team ample opportunity to showcase their intelligence, engage in creative work, and demonstrate our value. 新能源赛道正快速发展并不断走出 国门,在这个过程中为公司的出海 保驾护航,给了法务团队很大的空 间发挥聪明才智、参与创造性工作、 体现我们的价值。 汉坤律师事务所是中国领先的综合性律师事务所,专注于国内、国际间复杂的商业交易和争议的解决, 是中国律师行业的领军律所之一。 在具体业务领域里,汉坤尤其以私募股权、兼并和收购、境内外证券发行与上市、投资基金/资产管理、 反垄断/竞争法、银行金融、飞机融资、外商直接投资、公司合规、数据保护、私人财富管理、知识产权、破 产与重组、争议解决等板块的法律服务著称,连年被国际权威法律媒体评为亚太区顶级中国律所。 汉坤拥有800余名专业人员,分布在北京、上海、深圳、香港、海口、武汉、新加坡和纽约市。 汉坤的律师拥有优秀的学历背景,具有长期服务境内外客户和参与复杂跨境交易及争议解决的丰富 经验。 Han Kun is a leading full-service law firm in China. Over the years, Han Kun has been widely recognized as a leader in complex cross-border and domestic transactions and compliance matters. Our main practice areas include private equity, mergers and acquisitions, international and domestic capital markets, investment funds, asset management, compliance, banking and finance, aviation finance, foreign direct investment, antitrust/competition, data protection, private client/wealth management, intellectual property, bankruptcy and restructuring and dispute resolution. We have over ��� professionals located in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Haikou, Wuhan, Singapore and New York City. All our lawyers are graduates of top universities and have extensive experience in complex cross-border transactions and dispute resolution as counsel to both Chinese and foreign clients.