40 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 JULY 2024 ALB CHINA LAW AWARDS 2024 CCPIT AWARD SOE IN-HOUSE TEAM OF THE YEAR Gao Fawei, Legal and Risk Department of CPIH; Shaohui Yuan, CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office (Presenter) 高发伟,中国电力国际有限公司法律与风险管理部;原绍辉,贸促会专商标所(颁奖嘉宾) EMERGING COMPANY IN-HOUSE TEAM OF THE YEAR Xiao Luyun, Annie Ling, Legal and compliance department of Micro Connect 肖露云、凌涛涛,滴灌通法务合规部 Our team prioritizes two key abilities: professional expertise and problem-solving skills. Using our professional knowledge to help businesses solve issues and promote high-quality development is what we value most. 我们的团队最注重两种能力:一是 专业能力,二是解决问题的能力; 用自己的专业能力去帮助企业解决 问题、促进高质量发展,是我们最 为重视的。 Our company is engaged in a highly meaningful endeavor, and as a result, our legal and compliance team possesses strong cohesion, innovative spirit, and self-motivation. This enables us to perform our work to the highest standards. 我们公司做的是一件非常有意义的 事业,法务合规团队也因此拥有很强 的凝聚力、创新精神、自我激励,能 够把法务合规工作做到最高标准。 IN-HOUSE LAWYER OF THE YEAR Cuimei Zhang, Haier Group Corporation 张翠美, 海尔集团公司 WOMAN LAWYER OF THE YEAR Ouyang Dan, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati 欧阳丹, 美国威尔逊•桑西尼•古 奇•罗沙迪律师事务所 MANAGING PARTNER OF THE YEAR Zhao Yang, Jingtian & Gongcheng 赵洋, 竞天公诚律师事务所 Winning this ALB Award is a testament to the trust and support of Haier Group’s leadership. Our legal team will continue to serve as a risk firewall, business enabler, and strategic defender, ensuring the compliant and sustainable development of Haier Group. 荣获ALB年度公司法务大奖离 不开海尔集团领导的信任和支 持。我们法务团队会持续做好业 务的风险防火墙、业务使能器和 战略攻守队,保障海尔集团合规 可持续发展。 Women lawyers face many unique challenges in the legal industry, but they also have their own advantages. I’m confident that more and more women lawyers will be able to leverage their expertise and bring their potential into full play. 女性律师在法律行业面临很多 独特挑战,但也有自己的优势, 比如更能共情,更能在多方博弈 中帮助客户达成共识。希望更多 的女性律师能够发挥专长,充分 实现自己的潜能。 This honor recognizes the collective efforts of Jingtian & Gongcheng’s successive management teams. Jingtian & Gongcheng has consistently been dedicated to providing high-standard legal services to clients and contributing to the development of the legal service industry. 这份荣誉是对竞天公诚历届管 理团队共同努力成果的认可。竞 天公诚一直致力于为客户提供 高标准的法律服务,为法律服务 行业的发展尽献绵薄之力,未来 也将一如既往。 Regulatory Compliance Law Firm of the Year - International 年度合规律师事务所大奖 – 国际组 Clifford Chance LLP 高伟绅律师事务所 Cyber Security and Data Protection Law Firm of the Year 年度网络安全与数据保护律师事务所大奖 King & Wood Mallesons 金杜律师事务所 Capital Markets Law Firm of the Year - Domestic 年度资本市场律师事务所大奖 – 本土 Zhong Lun Law Firm 中伦律师事务所 Capital Markets Law Firm of the Year - Overseas 年度资本市场律师事务所大奖 – 海外 Jingtian & Gongcheng 竞天公诚律师事务所 ESG and Sustainability Law Firm of the Year 年度环境、社会和公司治理服务律师事务 所大奖 JunHe LLP 君合律师事务所 Healthcare Law Firm of the Year 年度医疗健康律师事务所大奖 Cooley LLP 美国科律律师事务所 Insolvency & Restructuring Law Firm of the Year 年度债务重组律师事务所大奖 Dacheng Law Offices 大成律师事务所 International Arbitration Law Firm of the Year 年度国际仲裁律师事务所大奖 Herbert Smith Freehills LLP 史密夫斐尔律师事务所