1 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA CONTENTS at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Beijing. 5月18日,第20届 ALB中国法律大奖颁 奖典礼于北京柏悦酒 店成功举办。 BRI EFS 4 Big Story 焦点故事 6 Appointments 律师转所信息 8 Deals 交易 With contributions from: • Grandway Law Offices 国枫律师事务所 • Guantao Law Firm 观韬中茂律师事务所 COVER STORY 10 2023 ALB China Top 15 Cybersecurity & Data Protection Lawyers 2023 ALB China 十五佳网络安全和数 据保护律师 ALB is launching its inaugural list of the top 15 cybersecurity and data protection lawyers, aiming to recognize the leading professionals in this field. These lawyers possess extensive legal knowledge, a deep understanding of regulations, and strong business acumen, enabling them to offer highquality legal support for their clients. ALB首次推出十五 佳网络安全和数据 保护律师榜单,希望 专注发掘该领域的 优秀法律人:他们不 仅拥有扎实的专业 基础、敏锐的监管洞 察,同时也具备着犀 利的商业思维,为客 户多样化的网络安 全和数据保护需求 提供优质法律保障。 Ranking by ALB, text by Charlie Wu FEATURES 18 GC Conversations: boosting consumption 对话总法律顾问: 提振消费 ALB speaks with general counsel in the field of consumer goods to discuss how in-house teams support innovative business models amid ever-changing consumption scenarios in China. ALB对话消费品领域 的总法律顾问,探讨 中国消费场景、模式 不断变化下法务团 队对业务模式创新 的支持。 24 Cracking the kingdom 出海中东 China has embarked on new diplomatic outreaches in the post-pandemic era, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is beginning to play an increasingly important role, becoming a new destination of choice for Chinese companies keen to invest overseas. 疫情后时代,中国重 新启动外交新格局, 中东地区开始在中 国外交版图中扮演 日益重要的角色,也 因此成为备受中国企 业青睐的海外投资新 目的地。 28 Waiting for the turnaround 机遇在转角处 Hong Kong’s dealmaking scene has been soft so far, and as a result, legal work hasn’t quite returned in the same way. Law firm leaders, however, still see a number of business opportunities in a city famed for its resilience. 尽管市场期待着 2023年的强势反弹, 但迄今为止,香港的 交易活动仍表现疲 软,香港的法律业务 也尚未恢复至同期 水平。律所管理者与 ALB分享了度过困难 时期的方法,以及他 们对“曙光终必来临” 的信心。 38 ALB holds grand gala to mark its 20TH China Law Awards 二零二三年ALB中国 法律大奖颁奖盛典成 功举办 On May 18, the 20th ALB China Law Awards ceremony was successfully held 4 HONG KONG’S CAPITAL MARKETS TRY TO LURE TECH FIRMS 香港资本市场意图吸引科技公司 Image: Guitar photographer/