13 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA a regulatory perspective allows lawyers to offer more practical solutions. Secondly, it cultivates keen insight and problem-solving skills. Public security organizations are often at the forefront of dealing with emerging societal issues. They are responsible for identifying problems and determining effective solutions. This experience equips lawyers to address new problems, interpret and enforce laws, and enhance the practicality and feasibility of compliance plans. Lastly, Li highlights the advantage of improving understanding in the internet industry and new technologies. His seamless transition from police to a cybersecurity and data protection lawyer stems from his previous experience in public security law enforcement related to cybersecurity. By staying connected with the internet industry and keeping abreast of new technologies, Li has continuously examined the field’s development from both law enforcement and legal service perspectives. LAW MEETS TECHNOLOGY In the field of cybersecurity and data protection, having a solid understanding of both law and technology has become increasingly crucial for lawyers. Raymond Wang acknowledges that lawyers are often considered “laymen” compared to their clients. However, he emphasizes that lawyers can learn from technical experts in large companies who excel at explaining technical principles and development journeys to non-experts. By taking the initiative to learn, asking pertinent questions, and conducting thorough verification, lawyers can grasp many fundamental technical issues and reduce communication costs without compromising their legal judgment. Wang believes that lawyers should not limit themselves due to their professional capacity, and the pursuit of knowledge should be driven by curiosity. However, it is essential for lawyers not to pretend to understand when they don’t. Admitting a lack of understanding and seeking clarification is crucial. Wang warns against complacency merely because a lawyer has acquired some technical jargon. Failing to genuinely comprehend a matter while giving the impression of understanding can lead to significant mistakes. Li Tianhang shares this perspective, emphasizing the importance of data protection and cybersecurity lawyers having a comprehensive understanding of cutting-edge technologies, their commercial applications, and industry issues. This knowledge forms a strong foundation for smooth communication with industry practitioners and enables lawyers to provide effective legal services. Lawyers must be able to comprehend the companies they serve and industry practitioners, translate complex technological concepts into legal language, identify and extract legal issues, and propose suitable solutions. However, Li also highlights the challenges of combining law and technology. COVER STORY 吴卫明Victor Wu 上海市锦天城律师事务所高级合伙人 +86 13301710173 吴卫明律师,上海市锦天城律师事务所高级合伙人,上海律师协会互联网业务委员会主 任,上海市网络安全管理协会理事,上海市法学会互联网司法研究分会理事,上海市人 工智能与社会发展研究会理事,江苏省网络安全协会外聘法律专家。 吴卫明律师长期从事金融科技、电子商务、网络安全与数据保护、纠纷解决、资本市场 等法律业务。得益于丰富的法律服务经验及信息产业、互联网、大数据行业的积淀,在 长达22年的法律工作经历中,吴律师持续为金融、健康医疗、汽车及智能制造、零售等 行业的信息化、数字化转型提供法律合规解决方案与纠纷化解、并购等垂直化的法律服 务。 在金融领域,吴律师服务过大型清算机构、大型商业银行、证券公司、保险公司等金融 机构的云计算平台合规、数字化营销、电子签名、数据合规与个人信息保护项目。参与 多家大型商业银行的数字化流程再造项目的整体法律合规咨询。 在健康医疗领域,为多家综合性健康医疗大数据科技平台、互联网诊疗机构、健康医疗 信息化系统服务商、医药企业提供数据治理与合规、个人信息保护法律服务。 在汽车及智能制造领域,为多家知名汽车制造厂商提供“车联网”合规咨询、汽车数据 合规及个人信息保护专项法律提升服务。 在资本市场领域,吴律师作为多家知名企业境外上市的数据专家律师,为中国企业境外 上市过程提供网络安全、数据安全、个人信息保护的法律论证及合规能力提升。