14 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 JUNE 2023 Cutting-edge technologies often give rise to innovation that may conflict with existing laws and regulations. The administrative legal risks in this process are relatively identifiable and manageable, but criminal legal risks can be more difficult to detect. Once criminal legal risks materialize, they become an “unbearable burden” for enterprises and practitioners. Li has been contemplating how to make criminal legal risks related to data protection and cybersecurity “identifiable and preventable.” He believes that criminal justice experience plays a vital role in improving the identification, depth, breadth, and implementation of rules and systems, enhancing risk assessment capabilities, and devising practical strategies to mitigate criminal legal risks. LOOKING AHEAD In the digital era, the rapid development of the economy through new business formats presents both opportunities and challenges. Forward-thinking lawyers are continually contemplating their career aspirations and planning for the future of business and team management. Raymond Wang believes that while many legal service providers can offer solutions to single problems, only a few can effectively address complex issues. To thrive in the emerging market of data protection and cybersecurity in the long run, lawyers must enhance their ability to handle intricate legal challenges. Data compliance naturally intersects with multiple practice areas, such as capital markets, cross-border M&A, export control, antitrust, dispute resolution, labor, and HR. Wang aspires to continuously upgrade his team’s capability to handle complex issues, fostering more cooperation with colleagues and peers. Wang also envisions that the legal profession will increasingly demand strong communication skills in line with the growing complexity of business. In the future, lawyers will need to communicate not only with humans but also with machines. This aspect of law firm and team management will be a significant focus for him. 人类社会发展到数字及信息化 时代,数据已经成为了新型生产要素。 德勤指出:“数据深刻改变着我们的生 产方式、生活方式和社会治理方式,随 着数据采集、治理、应用、安全等方面 的技术不断创新和产业的快速发展, 在技术的推动下,数据要素已成为国 民经济长期增长的内生条件。” 一方面,数据作为生产要素,本 身需要得到全流程保护,此谓“数据保 护”;另一方面,数据所运行的网络空 间也需得到保护,此谓“网络安全”。 如今,数据保护及网络安全能力 已成为企业良好竞争力不可或缺的 组成部分,企业需要在确保两者的前 提下更高效地实现业务运营。此外, 数据和网络相关产业也面临蓬勃发 展:《2022年中国网络安全行业白皮 书》就指出,未来5年,中国网络安全 产业将实现强势增长。 在此背景下,法规及监管也没有 落后,精专于相关领域的律师及律所 因此在近年不断脱颖而出。服务于数 据保护及网络安全领域需要律师具 备怎样的新技术、新能力?相关领域 对企业的服务又有怎样的新发展、新 趋势?几位上榜律师与ALB分享了自 己的执业经验与心得体会。 监管加剧 最近几年,网络安全与数据保护无疑 是中国立法和监管的重点。立法层面 来看,目前中国已经形成了所谓“三驾 马车”的态势:即《网络安全法》《数据 COVER STORY legal risks and strike a balance between compliance and business model development. Li hopes that his legal services will enable enterprises to navigate legal challenges successfully and foster better development. Victor Wu anticipates that the scope of services for lawyers in related fields will further expand in the future. He emphasizes the need for lawyers to continuously equip themselves to adapt to evolving business dynamics. Wu’s goal is to serve digital development by focusing on data protection and resolving legal issues arising from the application of modern information technology. His aim is to prevent and control legal risks associated with digital transformation. Wang Yuwei plans to develop his own brand and unique service features. His team aims to enhance automation and response speed by attracting professionals from various industries and disciplines and collaborating with thirdparty technical agencies. This strategy aims to create distinct brand characteristics and provide clients with more efficient and intelligent legal services and products. Over the next few years, Wang and his team will concentrate on key industries such as V2X, fintech, life health, and smart manufacturing. They will focus on data compliance and adjacent compliance services in data security ecological channels, data element transaction exchange, and enterprise digital transformation to scale up their operations and explore more business opportunities. Li Tianhang envisions leading a group of like-minded legal professionals to become qualified compliance lawyers and deliver cost-effective and high-quality legal services to clients. He aims to support enterprises in avoiding METHODOLOGY The list was chosen on the basis of a combination of the following: 1 significant achievements; 2 important cases and work in the past 12 months; 3 clients the candidate has acted for; 4 significant accolades the candidate has received for work in the form of public recognition, awards etc; 5 client and colleague feedback. 评选方法 该榜单考虑了下述因素: 1 执业生涯主要成就; 2 过去12个月的重大成就 ; 3 候选人的主要客户 ; 4 候选人所获得的奖项; 5 候选人口碑。