38 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 JUNE 2023 Dealmaker of the Year – International 年度交易律师大奖—国际组 Tim Wang - Clifford Chance LLP 王彦峰,高伟绅律师事务所 Dispute Resolution Lawyer of the Year 年度争议解决律师大奖 Hongji Li - Commerce & Finance Law Offices 李洪积,通商律师事务所 East & Concord Award Woman Lawyer of the Year - In-House 天达共和年度公司女性法务大奖 Wu Mengyi - Baidu,Inc. 吴梦漪,百度集团交易及合规法律事务部 Woman Lawyer of the Year 年度女性律师大奖 Susan Ning - King & Wood Mallesons 宁宣凤,金杜律师事务所 Young Lawyer of the Year 年度青年律师大奖 Yufei Liao - Clifford Chance LLP 廖宇飞,高伟绅律师事务所 Managing Partner of the Year 年度管理合伙人大奖 Anthony Zhao - Zhong Lun Law Firm 赵靖,中伦律师事务所 Anti-Trust & Competition Law Firm of the Year 年度反垄断与竞争法律师事务所大奖 JunHe LLP 君合律师事务所 Banking Law Firm of the Year 年度银行业律师事务所大奖 King & Wood Mallesons 金杜律师事务所 Regulatory Compliance Law Firm of the Year - China 年度合规律师事务所大奖—中国组 King & Wood Mallesons 金杜律师事务所 TIAN YUAN AWARD HEALTHCARE AND PHARMACEUTICAL IN-HOUSE TEAM OF THE YEAR Sandy Yao, Boehringer Ingelheim; Huang Wei, Tian Yuan Law Firm (Presenter) 姚晶,勃林格殷格翰;黄伟,天元律师事务所(颁奖嘉宾) ANLI PARTNERS AWARD MNC IN-HOUSE TEAM OF THE YEAR Aaron Shao, Abbott; Catherine Guo, Anli & Partners (Presenter) 邵明,雅培;郭庆,安理律师事务所(颁奖嘉宾) LONG AN AWARD CHINESE PRIVATE OWNED COMPANY IN-HOUSE TEAM OF THE YEAR Xiong Tao, NIO; David Wan, Long An Law Firm (Presenter) 熊涛,蔚来;万迎军,隆安律师事务所(颁奖嘉宾) “The entire world is undergoing significant transformations in the field of technology. The legal department has also been making great efforts to keep up with industry trends, aiming to combine legal expertise with industry wisdom.” “百度公司一直以来在科技行业都 是非常领先的公司之一,法务部也 一直非常努力地跟上行业趋势,希 望结合律师行业的智慧,一起为未 来的新时代添砖加瓦。” “Our legal and compliance team in the Greater China region has undertaken numerous projects that have contributed to the growth of the business. We are also very grateful to the business departments for consistently providing us with challenges.” “我们的大中华区法务合规团队做 了非常多项目,帮助业务的成长, 我们也非常感谢业务部门不断给到 我们‘挑战’,因为没有新挑战,我 们是没有办法继续成长的。” “All awards are the result of team efforts, and the legal department of Abbott in Greater China has made significant contributions to the company and business development. We have provided strategic value and safeguarded the company’s growth.” “所有的奖项都是团队努力的结 果,雅培的大中华区法律部为公司 和业务的发展做了非常大的贡献, 提供了战略价值,也为公司发展保 驾护航。” “The legal department of NIO has been instrumental in facilitating the successful implementation of NIO’s global business over the past year. We are looking forward to providing better support in the global innovation process of NIO’s business in the future.” “蔚来法务部在过去一年支持着蔚来 整个全球业务的更好落地。我们也非 常期待在接下来蔚来业务的全球创 新过程中,能够更好地提供支持。” LLINKS AWARD TECHNOLOGY, MEDIA AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS INHOUSE TEAM OF THE YEAR Wu Mengyi, Baidu, Inc.; Christophe Han, Llinks Law Offices (Presenter) 吴梦漪,百度集团;韩炯,通力律师事务所(颁奖嘉宾) ALB CHINA LAW AWARDS 2023