39 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA MERITS & TREE AWARD EMERGING COMPANY IN-HOUSE TEAM OF THE YEAR Sun Gu, Li Auto; Ye Han, Merits & Tree Law Offices (Presenter) 孙谷,理想汽车;叶涵,植德律师事务所(颁奖嘉宾) SOE IN-HOUSE TEAM OF THE YEAR Huang Huina, China Power International; He Wei, Thomson Reuters (Presenter) 黄慧娜,中国电力国际有限公司;何威,汤森路透(颁奖嘉宾) SHIHUI AWARD COMPLIANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT IN-HOUSE TEAM OF THE YEAR Li Xinyang, Dajia Asset Management; Raymond Wang, Shihui Law Firm (Presenter) 李欣阳,大家资产;王新锐,世辉律师事务所(颁奖嘉宾) COMMERCE & FINANCE AWARD INNOVATIVE IN-HOUSE TEAM OF THE YEAR Ling Taotao, Micro Connect; Andrew Zhang, Commerce & Finance Law Offices (Presenter) 凌涛涛,滴灌通;张新阳,通商律师事务所(颁奖嘉宾) “Last year, Li Auto became the first Chinese company to launch an ATM bond program in both the United States and Hong Kong. We have implemented numerous innovative initiatives and demonstrated great perseverance in various innovative projects.” “去年,理想汽车是第一家在美国 和香港同时发ATM债项目的中国公 司,我们有很多创新的举措,在很 多创新项目中非常执着。” “The legal team of China Power International has always integrated legal and business aspects. Legal support is not about creating obstacles or applying brakes to the business; instead, it involves thinking about how to assist the company in achieving a more stable development path.” “中电国际法律团队始终把法务和 业务融合在一起,法务绝对不是给 业务去创造难题,而是思考怎么样 能够帮助公司在发展的道路上走得 越来越稳。” “We appreciate the judges for recognizing the efforts our team has put into compliance and risk control. We will continue to focus on building a robust system, fostering team development, and providing strong support and empowerment to our business.” “感谢各位评委看到了我们团队在 保险资产管理领域的合规和风险 控制方面做出的努力,我们也会继 续做好团队发展,继续做好对业务 的支持和赋能。” “This has been a year of significant growth for the Micro Connect business. We have invested in nearly 5,000 small and micro enterprises in China, and the legal team has established a solid legal framework and compliance foundation for the entire investment process.” “这是滴灌通业务大发展的一年, 我们投资了将近5000家中国的小微 企业,法律合规部把整个投资法律 架构和合规基础都打得比较扎实。” Regulatory Compliance Law Firm of the Year - International 年度合规律师事务所大奖—国际组 Latham & Watkins LLP 瑞生国际律师事务所 Cyber Security and Data Protection Law Firm of the Year 年度网络安全与数据保护律师事务所大奖 Zhong Lun Law Firm 中伦律师事务所 Capital Markets Law Firm of the Year - Domestic 年度资本市场律师事务所大奖 – 本土 Zhong Lun Law Firm 中伦律师事务所 Capital Markets Law Firm of the Year - Overseas 年度资本市场律师事务所大奖 – 海外 Jingtian & Gongcheng 竞天公诚律师事务所 ESG and Sustainability Law Firm of the Year 年度环境、社会和公司治理服务律师事务 所大奖 JunHe LLP 君合律师事务所 Healthcare Law Firm of the Year 年度医疗健康律师事务所大奖 Global Law Office 环球律师事务所 Insolvency & Restructuring Law Firm of the Year 年度债务重组律师事务所大奖 King & Wood Mallesons 金杜律师事务所 International Arbitration Law Firm of the Year 年度国际仲裁律师事务所大奖 Herbert Smith Freehills LLP 史密夫斐尔律师事务所 ALB CHINA LAW AWARDS 2023