40 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 JUNE 2023 OFFSHORE LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR Maggie Kwok, Vicky Lord, Harney Westwood & Riegels; Guo Li, Law School, Peking University (Presenter) 郭美琪,罗孝琪,衡力斯律师事务所;郭雳,北京大学法学院(颁奖嘉宾) “We’re deeply honored to receive the award. We work very hard to provide an excellent level of service, but the truth is we wouldn’t be here accepting the award without all the help and support of our clients, our colleagues, and the wider legal community.” “我们一直非常努力为客户奉上杰 出的法律服务。但没有客户、同事和 整个法律共同体的帮助和支持,我 们也无法站在这里。” International Trade Law Firm of the Year 年度国际贸易律师事务所大奖 Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm 金诚同达律师事务所 IP Law Firm of the Year - China 年度知识产权律师事务所大奖—中国组 King & Wood Mallesons 金杜律师事务所 IP Law Firm of the Year - International 年度知识产权律师事务所大奖—国际组 Baker McKenzie FenXun 奋迅·贝克麦坚时 Litigation Law Firm of the Year 年度诉讼律师事务所大奖 TianTong Law Firm 天同律师事务所 Private Equity Law Firm of the Year - China 年度私募股权投资律师事务所大奖—中国组 Han Kun Law Offices 汉坤律师事务所 RISING LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR Ye Han, Merits & Tree Law Offices; Guo Xiaozhou, Celanese (Presenter) 叶涵,植德律师事务所;郭小舟,塞拉尼斯(颁奖嘉宾) “Merits & Tree has experienced rapid development in recent years. We are delighted that our growth rate has been recognized by ALB and has garnered attention from our peers.” “植德最近几年发展非常快,短短 7年时间,我们已经有超过120位合 伙人,超过550位人员,已经在6个 城市有办公室,非常高兴我们的发 展速度能够获得ALB的肯定,获得 同行们的关注。” ALB CHINA LAW AWARDS 2023