1 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS – JUNE 2024 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM COVER STORY 14 ALB Asia Top 15 Chief Compliance Officers 2024 As the compliance landscape grows more complex, Asia’s leading chief compliance officers are demonstrating strategic leadership and spearheading innovative approaches to ensure compliance while strengthening organisational resilience in these dynamic times. By Asian Legal Business FEATURES 18 Rock-solid approach In recent years, construction companies in Asia have been enjoying a boom in countries’ pivot to infrastructure reforms. The construction market in the Asia-Pacific region has grown by 3.9 per cent in 2023, according to GlobalData. But the sector was also confronted by rising material costs and financial constraints due to global economic conditions. GCs in three construction companies share how they are capitalising on new momentum and taking on challenges ahead. 22 ALB Asia’s Top 15 ESG Law Firms 2024 As ESG issues take a front seat in business decisionmaking across Asia, law firms play a crucial role advising companies on how to navigate increasingly complex compliance requirements and mitigating emerging risks. As regulatory landscapes around ESG evolve rapidly, ALB recognises 15 law firms that are delivering outstanding legal counsel in this area. Plus: - Allen & Gledhill 24 The money war As technology advances, financial crime has become a major threat to global financial systems, surpassing many other forms of crime. Asia’s emerging digital markets, which are still developing regulations to combat tech-based crime, have become prime targets for financial fraudsters. Experts emphasise that international cooperation and robust enforcement of anti-money laundering regulations are essential to address this challenge effectively. 32 Women in law In this special feature, we highlight certain exceptional female legal professionals and their triumphs in defying cultural and professional biases to make their mark within Asia’s legal sector. These women, who lead some of Asia’s most prominent corporate legal teams and law firms, share their perspectives on empowering female legal talents and fostering a united front for gender equality in the legal profession. BRI EFS 3 The Briefing 4 Forum 6 Explainer 7 Deals 8 Appointments 10 Q&A CONTENTS 18 Rock-solid approach Image: VideoFlow/