19 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS – JUNE 2024 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM ROUNDTABLE partners can be evaluated, and basis their strengths and weaknesses, we can chalk out right strategies. In addition to this, it helps us that we are backed by many global players like I-squared capital, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), Japanese Consortium, BCI, Mubadala, IFC - World Bank (erstwhile shareholder), et al. We can take the help of their allies and experiences in various geographies, and that helps us also to chart out our strategies. BEN BURY, Group General Counsel, Gammon Construction: Most of Gammon’s work is in Hong Kong and Singapore. Hong Kong has, of course, been the focus of a lot of the geopolitical tension between the U.S./Europe and China, but Singapore has also been affected by cooling relations between the countries involved. The extent to which the geopolitical tension has contributed to the regulatory landscape in the construction industry in Hong Kong and Singapore is hard to say. I am new to my role as GC of Gammon, but the main role the Gammon legal team plays in helping the Gammon companies navigate the regulatory landscape does not appear to have changed in any significant way since these geopolitical tensions began to emerge. Our focus is and has always been on keeping abreast of the regulatory changes, informing the business units in a clear and straightforward way, and helping them mitigate any issues that may arise. KEVIN LOO, head of legal and compliance, LBS Bina Group Berhad: Amidst the challenging geopolitical landscape, our legal team is crucial in navigating Asia’s evolving construction industry regulations. We employ a proactive approach, continuously monitoring developments to maintain compliance with contracts, permits, and licenses. Collaborating closely with local and international legal consultants, we gain insights to ensure compliance and avoid non-compliance risks in new projects. Our team also maintains open communication with relevant governmental and non-governmental bodies to stay informed on any upcoming regulatory changes and to provide such feedback, where necessary, on such proposed regulations. This proactive engagement ensures that the team are well-prepared for any changes and can adapt our strategies accordingly. Our sustainability commitment aligns with regulatory compliance; this not only helps us meet regulatory requirements but further contributes to environmental protection, enhancing our position as a leading developer of sustainable communities amidst complex regulations. ALB: Construction projects often involve multiple stakeholders with diverse interests. How do you facilitate effective communication and collaboration between legal teams, project managers, contractors, and other key players to address legal issues promptly and prevent delays or conflicts? SHASTRY: A timely and effective communication is very much required in any industry, especially in construction. Clear and effective communication in construction has many advantages. The less misunderstanding and clarity of objectives there are, the fewer errors there will be. In construction, errors in design or implementation could be extremely dear, and undoing them would have huge financial and reputational implications. A small miscommunication can have significant consequences in construction projects. By clearly communicating project goals, timelines, and specifications, all stakeholders can work together towards a common vision, minimising the risk of costly mistakes as well as facilitates timely and right decision-making. This, in turn, will help in avoiding delays and, thus, cost overruns. When information flows smoothly between project managers, superintendents, legal teams, engineers, contractors, and subcontractors, decisions can be made promptly, preventing bottlenecks and ensuring that work progresses smoothly. As regards what we are doing for the same, we have in-house curated software CARRAR. This Contract Lifecycle Management software helps us not only consolidate the entire communication and contracts in one place, but helps with a single click to gauge the understanding of various teams and how they are working to efficiently achieve the common goal. Thus, the management can see on a real-time basis how the communication flow is taking place and if there are any glaring misunderstandings the same could be cleared by timely intervention. The responsibility of this effective communication is given to a specially created department, namely Contracts, Claims & Risk Management (CCRM). This department CCRM has to ensure that the MUKUL SHASTRY BEN BURY KEVIN LOO