13 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA notes that since 2013, the total number of cases handled by Chinese courts has surged at an average annual growth rate of 13 percent. Regarding arbitration, significant increases were also noted in 2023: the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) accepted 5,237 new cases, up 28.17 percent; the Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC) handled over 12,000 cases, a 45.14 percent increase; and the Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (SHIAC) saw a dramatic 89.4 percent rise with 4,879 new cases. Zhao adds, “This growth in case numbers, both in traditional litigation and commercial arbitration, signifies expanding opportunities in legal services.” He also highlights the evolving nature of legal challenges: “The rise in case numbers and complexity brings new challenges for lawyers, requiring more specialized and refined legal services. In today’s fluctuating economic climate, clients seek not only quality but also cost-effectiveness, adding to the already intense competition in the legal market.” Ji Chaoyi, head of Dispute Resolution at East & Concord Partners, observes that as dispute resolution thrives, there is a heightened demand for specialized expertise among lawyers. “For instance, significant revisions to China’s Arbitration Law and new rules from leading arbitration institutions like CIETAC and SHIAC demand that lawyers stay current, understand, and adeptly use these changes to craft sophisticated dispute resolution strategies,” he explains. Ji also points out areas of growing interest in the market: “Regulatory tightening in finance and securities has led to frequent securities investment disputes, making it a prominent field for dispute resolution. Administrative litigation and investor claims triggered by regulatory changes are also expected to remain significant areas of focus.” Commercial dispute resolution is a cornerstone of RongYing Law Firm, which was established in 2021 amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the market turbulence, RongYing quickly emerged as a notable new player, COVER STORY LITIGATION TIER 1 Commerce & Finance Law Offices 通商律师事务所 JunHe LLP 君合律师事务所 King & Wood Mallesons 金杜律师事务所 Zhong Lun Law Firm 中伦律师事务所 TIER 2 AllBright Law Offices 锦天城律师事务所 Dacheng Law Offices 大成律师事务所 DeHeng Law Offices 德恒律师事务所 Global Law Office 环球律师事务所 Grandall Law Firm 国浩律师事务所 Hui Zhong Law Firm 汇仲律师事务所 Jingtian & Gongcheng 竞天公诚律师事务所 Llinks Law Offices 通力律师事务所 TIER 3 AnJie Broad Law Firm 安杰世泽律师事务所 Anli Partners 安理律师事务所 FenXun Partners 奋迅律师事务所 Guantao Law Firm 观韬中茂律师事务所 Haiwen & Partners 海问律师事务所 Han Kun Law Offices 汉坤律师事务所 Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm 金诚同达律师事务所 JunZeJun Law Offices 君泽君律师事务所 King & Capital Law Firm 京都律师事务所 Tian Yuan Law Firm 天元律师事务所 Zhenghan Law Firm 虹桥正瀚律师事务所 TIER 4 Hui Ye Law Firm 汇业律师事务所 Jia Yuan Law Offices 嘉源律师事务所 Jin Mao Law Firm 金茂律师事务所 Joint-win Partners 上海正策律师事务所 Kangda Law Firm 康达律师事务所 Merits & Tree Law Offices 植德律师事务所 Tahota Law Firm 泰和泰律师事务所 W&H Law Firm 炜衡律师事务所 Zhonglun W&D Law Firm 中伦文德律师事务所 NOTABLE FIRMS Beijing Hylands Law Firm 北京浩天律师事务所 Boss & Young Attorneys-At-Law 邦信阳律师事务所 Bridgeon Law Firm 博遵律师事务所 China Commercial Law Firm 华商律师事务所 Clyde & Co 其礼律师事务所 DOCVIT Law Firm 道可特律师事务所 Dorsey & Whitney LLP 美国德汇律师事务所 H&T Law Firm 汉韬律师事务所 Hiways Law Firm 海华永泰律师事务所 L&H Law Firm 浙江六和律师事务所 Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP 新加坡立杰律师事务所 T&C Law Firm 天册律师事务所 TianTai Law Firm 天驰君泰律师事务所 V&T Law Firm 万商天勤律师事务所 Wang Jing & Co. Law Firm 敬海律师事务所 Yingke Law Firm 盈科律师事务所