14 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 JUNE 2024 COVER STORY Highlighting the firm’s commitment to strengthening its interdisciplinary services, Bai mentions the recent addition of Ji Honghai, a seasoned criminal law expert with two decades of experience as a public prosecutor at the People’s Procuratorate of Beijing Municipality. Ji’s expertise in both criminal and civil law aspects is a significant asset to RongYing. “With the continual emergence of new challenges and demands, a dynamic and high-performing team like ours at RongYing is well-positioned to demonstrate our expertise and capabilities. We are confident about the future of our dispute resolution practice and its prospects in the market,” Bai concludes. BUILDING OVER TIME Some of the leading firms in dispute resolution boast long histories, substantial size, and well-established market positions and strategies. For instance, since its inception in 1979, Global Law Office has been managing both domestic and international dispute resolution cases. “Currently, Global Law Office has a robust team of over 100 lawyers specializing in litigation, arbitration, and other forms of dispute resolution. They excel in handling complex cases that involve international, cross-border, and domestic civil and commercial disputes for both international and domestic clients,” explains Zhao. Global Law Office is renowned for its deep legal expertise and innovative approach to dispute resolution, making it a leader in the Chinese market. Over the past four decades, the firm has pioneered many groundbreaking projects in China within the dispute resolution field. Zhao highlights, “These landmark projects include the first trademark ownership dispute involving over ten billion RMB, the first maritime oil spill pollution litigation under the 1969 International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, the first use of the DOCDEX rules by the International Chamber of Commerce to resolve a letter of credit dispute, the first successful recognition and enforcement of a foreign maritime arbitral award in China, ARBITRATION TIER 1 Hui Zhong Law Firm 汇仲律师事务所 King & Wood Mallesons 金杜律师事务所 Zhong Lun Law Firm 中伦律师事务所 TIER 2 Commerce & Finance Law Offices 通商律师事务所 DeHeng Law Offices 德恒律师事务所 Global Law Office 环球律师事务所 Jingtian & Gongcheng 竞天公诚律师事务所 JunHe LLP 君合律师事务所 TIER 3 AllBright Law Offices 锦天城律师事务所 AnJie Broad Law Firm 安杰世泽律师事务所 Dacheng Law Offices 大成律师事务所 East & Concord Partners 天达共和律师事务所 FenXun Partners 奋迅律师事务所 Grandall Law Firm 国浩律师事务所 Haiwen & Partners 海问律师事务所 Han Kun Law Offices 汉坤律师事务所 Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm 金诚同达律师事务所 JunZeJun Law Offices 君泽君律师事务所 Llinks Law Offices 通力律师事务所 Tian Yuan Law Firm 天元律师事务所 Yingke Law Firm 盈科律师事务所 Zhong Wen Law Firm 中闻律师事务所 NOTABLE FIRMS Beijing DHH Law Firm 北京德和衡律师事务所 Clyde & Co 其礼律师事务所 Guangdong King & Win Law Firm 广东青狮云岸律师事务所 Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP 新加坡立杰律师事务所 RongYing Law Firm 北京融英律师事务所 Shihui Partners 世辉律师事务所 Tahota Law Firm 泰和泰律师事务所 Wang Jing & Co. Law Firm 敬海律师事务所 Zhonglun W&D Law Firm 中伦文德律师事务所 gaining widespread recognition for its adept handling of complex commercial disputes. Bai Lin, the founder and managing partner, notes that in the current domestic and international climate, clients increasingly favor cost-effective and time-efficient dispute resolution methods. Bai explains, “This requires our lawyers to deeply understand the commercial objectives and the core issues at stake for our clients. Our legal strategies are designed to align with and achieve these commercial objectives. Additionally, the nature of dispute resolution demands that our lawyers be adaptable, ready to switch strategies from offense to defense as the situation requires.” Bai is also increasingly focused on criminal law, particularly as it relates to job-related offenses by senior corporate executives and data security breaches. He observes a rising trend in cases that intertwine criminal and civil law elements, driving a growing demand for interdisciplinary legal services that encompass both areas. “As these demands evolve, so too must our service capabilities and the expertise we require from our lawyers,” Bai adds.