15 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA and the first arbitration involving a Chinese enterprise in Stockholm.” Furthermore, Global Law Office has developed expertise across a broad spectrum of industries, such as private equity and finance, capital markets and listed companies, intellectual property, maritime and shipping, real estate, insurance, labor, and enforcement disputes. “Since 2015, Global Law Office has exclusively represented Thailand’s Yoovidhya family in Mainland China, handling a series of complex and high-profile disputes against the Ruayrungruang family. These include over ten corporate control disputes concerning Red Bull and more than 40 intellectual property disputes. The significant market presence of Red Bull in China has also drawn considerable public attention to these cases,” Zhao adds. Zhao explains that in managing this series of cases, Global Law Office has developed a comprehensive dispute resolution strategy for their client. The firm places significant emphasis on the interconnection between related cases, offering valuable insights and recommendations to the client’s other advisory teams. Assembling a service team of over 30 professionals with expertise in areas such as IP and commercial disputes, the firm has secured numerous victories, enhancing the client’s bargaining power and competitive position in the market. East & Concord Partners is also a pioneer in arbitration in China, consistently leading the market in dispute resolution practices, particularly in arbitration. Ji notes that many partners at the firm are experienced arbitrators and lawyers skilled in managing significant and complex disputes. Several of their landmark cases have been recognized as model cases by the Supreme People’s Court, CIETAC, and other arbitration bodies. “The dispute resolution team at East & Concord Partners is not only skilled in litigation and arbitration, but also possesses a deep understanding of business practices across various industries. This allows them to precisely identify clients’ commercial needs and help them mitigate commercial risks,” Ji elaborates. “Our dispute resolution practice receives high praise from both domestic and international clients across various sectors because of our long-standing commitment to providing professional, efficient, and predictable solutions and services. We cater to a diverse clientele, including multinational corporations, state-owned enterprises, private companies, and financial institutions, assisting them in navigating various challenges in domestic and international arbitration,” Ji adds. INTERNATIONAL VISION When discussing with ALB, many leading firms frequently mentioned their involvement in cross-border dispute resolution and international arbitration, highlighting their global perspective. Ji from East & Concord Partners shared, “As economic cycles change and the complexity of investment exit environments increases, we are seeing a rise in disputes related to investments, funds, and finance. This includes a 汇仲官微 汇仲官网 北京|上海|深圳|香港 2013 年成立 100 名诉讼与仲裁专职争议解决律师 2016 年起被《环球仲裁评论》 (GAR) 列为“全球百强仲裁事务所” 费宁律师 管理合伙人 杨雪瑜律师 北京办管理合伙人 赵芳律师 上海办管理合伙人 朱华芳律师 合伙人 2019-2024 《钱伯斯全球法律指南》《钱伯斯亚太法律 指南》《钱伯斯大中华区指南》将汇仲评选为争议解决 业务领域第一级别中国律所 2021、2024“年度争议解决中国律师事务所”大奖 2016-2024 汇仲连续九年入选《环球仲裁评论》全球百 强仲裁律师事务所名录 2020-2024 Legalband连续四年将汇仲评选为争议解决 仲裁第一级别的领先律所 2015-2018 汇仲连续四年入选Legal 500亚太地区争议解 决领先律所 2015 汇仲获《商法》争议解决业务领域卓越律所大奖 2020、2021、2023 中国公民诉韩国国际投资案、孙杨VS 世界反兴奋剂组织案和俏江南案、仲裁ABS欺诈发行第 一案分别获商法“年度交易”大奖 合伙人专精复杂诉讼与国际国内仲裁 业精于勤、代表案例屡获大奖 汇聚精英,决战伯仲 立足中国,服务全球 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K HZLF_AD_88.5x244.pdf 1 2024/5/16 18:00:35