16 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 JUNE 2024 COVER STORY significant number of cases concerning the exit from overseas US dollar funds, cross-border investment and financing disputes, and the enforcement of crossborder judgments and arbitral awards.” He added that the trend in disputes is becoming increasingly international, extraterritorial, and cross-border. This not only involves resolving disputes for Chinese enterprises overseas but also managing the preservation and enforcement of overseas cases in China. Such scenarios require lawyers who are adept at handling domestic law issues and possess the vision and capability to resolve problems across different jurisdictions with an international legal team. Ji highlighted a specific case to illustrate this point. A top-tier subsidiary of a central enterprise, represented by East & Concord Partners, successfully won an international commercial arbitration at the ICC International Court of Arbitration against a commercial bank in Ukraine concerning disputes over a letter of guarantee. The firm also succeeded in litigation proceedings before a Ukrainian court regarding the validity of the guarantee agreement and the letter of guarantee. The arbitration involved a disputed amount of approximately RMB 750 million, with all requests of the Chinese side being upheld. Furthermore, East & Concord Partners achieved victory in litigation over the validity of the arbitration agreement, which escalated to the Supreme Court of Ukraine. “The legal environment in the countries along the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ route is complex. When facing disputes, Chinese companies should engage professional lawyers to take proactive legal measures to protect their rights and interests,” Ji advised. He emphasized that since disputes often span multiple jurisdictions, their firm and leading lawyers have extensive experience in international arbitration and crossborder litigation. They also have a solid capability to manage international legal teams, coordinating lawyers from various jurisdictions to efficiently progress legal procedures in different countries and regions. Ji believes that the complete victory in both the ICC arbitration and Ukrainian court litigation is a notable achievement for central and State-owned enterprises in international arbitration and overseas litigation. This success not only enriches and expands the practical tools available for these enterprises to protect their rights overseas but also provides valuable guidance for resolving commercial disputes along the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ route in the future. Rajah & Tann Singapore, an international law firm with significant involvement in the Chinese market, stands out as another award-winning firm. Hew Kian Heong, the head of International Arbitration, Construction & Projects, China, shared insights with ALB on the landscape of international arbitration. He noted that for many years, British 金茂律师事务所于 1988 年 12 月 24 日成立, 是一家从事专业法律服务的大规模合伙制律师事 务所。总部位于上海,在北京市、中国香港特别 行政区、江苏省昆山市、江苏省常熟市和中国(上 海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区设有分所,并与 日本东京岩田合同法律事务所、中国香港黄新民 律师行、中国台湾立勤国际法律事务所、中国北 京望衡律师事务所及多个国家与地区的优秀律师 事务所建立了长期稳定的合作关系。 金茂律师事务所 专利代理机构 商标代理机构 企业破产管理人 全国优秀律师事务所 上海市十佳律师事务所 上海市优秀律师事务所 大中华区推荐领域: 公司/商事(上海) 中国争议解决业务排名 中国十五佳成长律所 中国十五佳长三角地区本地律所 解决纠纷律师事务所大奖 上海律师事务所大奖 最具潜力律师事务所大奖 卓越综合实力律所(上海) 卓越表现律所 卓越公益律所 银行及金融 金融科技及区块链 政府与公共事务 建筑及基础设施 知识产权 ( 版权 ) 反贿赂及反腐败 Address 地址:40th Floor, Bund Center, 222 East Yan An Road Shanghai 200002, China 中国上海市延安东路 222 号外滩中心 40 楼 邮编 200002 Email 邮箱 : Website 网站 业务领域:建设工程与房地产;合规事务; 金融;环境能源;公司与并购;信息网络与高新 技术;民商事争议解决;知识产权;政府、公共 事务与两岸法律事务;劳动与人力资源;家事; 清算与不良资产处置;资本市场;医疗健康与生 命科学;文娱体育。