30 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 JUNE 2024 TOP 15 RISING LAWYERS The lawyers featured on this year’s list have an average age of 37.8 years and boast 13.6 years of practice, during which they have achieved remarkable success in their respective fields. What has brought them here on their career path? What are their professional attributes and aspirations? ALB had the privilege of interviewing some of these exceptional individuals, who graciously shared their personal journeys and invaluable insights to gain market and client recognition. OPPORTUNITY FAVOURS THE PREPARED Frank Jiang, a partner at Zhong Lun Law Firm, has witnessed three relocations of Zhong Lun’s Beijing office from China Merchants Tower to SK Tower and Zhengda Centre in his 16 years of practice since his internship in 2007. Reflecting on his early days, he acknowledges that “opportunity favours the prepared mind”. When he officially joined Zhong Lun in 2008, the Anti-Monopoly Law of China came into force. “Foreign-related transactions back then were likely to trigger a notification requirement, so our team started merger control filing while providing investment and M&A transaction services for foreign clients. To meet market and client needs, my areas of practice have been expanded to include antitrust investigation and litigation.” As cases about CFIUS review in the U.S. and FDI regulation in the EU are frequently reported in China, Jiang notices that more and more foreign clients are paying attention to investment review requirements in China. His team has helped multiple multinationals obtain non-filing, unconditional, or conditional approvals. “Based on previous cooperation in several cross-border antitrust investigation and litigation projects, I was invited by Cravath, Swaine & Moore, a white-shoe law firm in the U.S., to work at its headquarters in New York on behalf of Zhong Lun in 2017. As a foreign lawyer, I was directly involved in several antitrust litigation and filing actions in the U.S., with billions of dollars at stake, and coordinated responses to antitrust investigations in Japan and South Korea.” TENACITY AND COURAGE Tian Mingzi, a partner at Jingtian & Gongcheng, advises on the full life-cycle of deals like domestic and overseas listings, bond issuances, investments and financing, and mergers and acquisitions. Tian describes her personality as cooperative and less confrontational, so nonlitigation is more suitable for her. “As a capital markets lawyer, I help corporate clients with domestic and overseas listings, pre-IPO financing, and post-listing 十五佳律师新星凭借着自身扎实的专业能力、共赢的理念、坚韧的意志、敏锐的洞察力,正成长为中国律师行业 的中流砥柱。展望未来,他们想客户之所想、急客户之所急,依托平台资源与自身的努力,不畏变数、迎接挑战,继 续秉持着深耕于法律行业的信念。 The ALB China Top 15 Rising Lawyers are emerging as stalwarts in the industry, demonstrating solid professionalism, embracing win-win concepts, possessing sheer tenacity, and providing keen insights. Looking ahead, they will leverage this platform to the fullest, working diligently to meet and exceed client expectations while enhancing the legal landscape, despite uncertainties and challenges. RANKING BY ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS, TEXT BY CHARLIE WU 排名:《亚洲法律杂志》,作者:吴卓言