1 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA CONTENTS compete in an overcrowded legal market. 随着中东和亚洲新兴 经济体之间的并购和 主权投资活动推动经 济增长,两地的经济 关系正愈发紧密。然 而,亚洲的律所和律 师面对“过度拥挤”的 中东法律市场,感到 竞争举步维艰。 BRI EFS 4 Briefs 焦点故事 6 Appointments 律师转所信息 7 Deals 交易 COVER STORY 8 2024 ALB China Top 15 Business Support In-House Teams 2024 ALB China 十五佳商业贡献力法 务团队 ALB unveils its first ever list of top 15 business support in-house teams whose members are top legal professionals as well as business leaders. ALB首度推出十五 佳商业贡献力法务 团队榜单,旨在凸显 这些法务界佼佼者、 商业界领航者的卓越 风采。 Ranking by ALB, text by Victor Wu FEATURES 16 Data: The new oil 探索数据资产 With data emerging as a crucial “new type of production factor,” China has rolled out various initiatives to tap into its economic potential. Pioneers in data trading are actively discussing the distinctive opportunities and challenges posed by this evolving field. 数据作为“新型生产 要素”的重要性不断 提升,中国采取各项 措施激发数据的经济 效益。部分法律领域 的“先行者”与ALB分 享了数据资产服务的 机遇和挑战。 22 2024 ALB China Top 15 Insolvency & Restructuring Lawyers 2024 ALB China 十五佳破产重组律师 ALB launched 2024 ALB China Top 15 Insolvency & Restructuring Lawyers for the first time, aiming to spotlight the best in this field. 今年,ALB首次推出 十五佳破产重组律 师榜单,希望专注发 掘该领域的佼佼者。 With contributions from: • Zhong Lun Law Firm 中伦律师事务所 32 ALB Regional Report: Yangtze River Economic Belt ALB区域市场报告:长 江经济带 The Yangtze River Economic Belt strategy is set to become the next regional development strategy to lead China’s high-quality growth. With the strategy focusing on the topics of ESG, energy, innovation and overseas investment, lawyers can expect to see an uptick in legal work. 长江经济带战略将成 为下一个引领中国高 质量发展的区域性发 展战略。ALB关注于 这一全新的区域联动 发展计划,并重点聚 焦ESG、能源、科创、 海外投资领域及相关 法律服务的发展。 38 Pivot to Asia 转向亚洲 The Middle East’s economic ties with emerging Asian economies is on the rise as M&A and sovereign investments between the regions drive growth. However, Asian law firms and lawyers are struggling to 30 2024 ALB CHINA TOP 15 INSOLVENCY & RESTRUCTURING LAWYERS 2024 ALB CHINA十五佳破产重组律师 Image: Rob Nazh/