1 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS – MAY 2024 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM COVER STORY 14 ALB IP Rankings 2024 The past year marked an important turning point in the development of the regulatory ecosystem for intellectual property (IP) across Asia. Strides have been made to better harmonise patent laws between countries, while discussions gained momentum around balancing copyright protections in the digital era. In this annual list, we highlight the best firms for IP work in the Asian region. By Asian Legal Business Plus: - Abe & Partners FEATURES 12 Level playing field Singapore is set to introduce a new anti-discrimination employment law later in the year, and while employers welcome the changes, lawyers say more needs to be done in terms of building capabilities to ensure compliance. 20 New data, new rules Thailand is one of the countries in Southeast Asia most prone to cyber vulnerabilities and data breaches. To combat that, the authorities in the past year released two subordinate regulations concerning the transfer of personal data across borders under the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). Lawyers in Thailand unpack the new rules and outline what businesses are required to do. Plus: - Chandler MHM 22 ALB Top In-house Teams 2024 Traditionally, corporate legal departments have been asked to do much but given little. But, the era of heightened productivity has arrived with technology transforming how legal work gets done. 26 IPO oasis The Middle East’s regional IPO markets are flourishing despite a global slowdown and geopolitical instability owing to the region’s longterm structural and regulatory reforms, a maturing diversified market and strong investor confidence. 30 ALB Offshore Client Choice 2024 Continuing our annual tradition, Asian Legal Business is again recognising outstanding lawyers working for offshore law firms across the region. 36 Fraud alert Over the past few years, Singapore’s commodities trading scene has been fraught with scandals. Lawyers in the commodities space have thus found themselves with their hands full, assisting clients in spotting potentially fraudulent activity, and also helping mitigate the impact. Plus: - BlackStone & Gold BRI EFS 3 The Briefing 4 Forum 6 Explainer 7 Deals 8 Appointments 10 Q&A CONTENTS 30 New data, new rules Image: VideoFlow/