1 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA CONTENTS 研,《亚洲法律杂志》 于日前公布了二零二 四年ALB中国法律大 奖入围名单。 With contribution from: • Beijing Starrise Law Firm 北京星来律师事务所 BRI EFS 4 Briefs 焦点故事 8 Appointments 律师转所信息 9 Deals 交易 With contribution from: • Beijing DOCVIT Law Firm 北京市道可特律师事务所 COVER STORY 10 2024 ALB China Regional Ranking: South China Firms, South China Rising Lawyers, South China Client Choice 2024 ALB China 区域市场排名: 华南地区律所、华南 地区律师新星、华南 地区客户首选律师 ALB continues to highlight firms with outstanding achievements in South China, as well as the young lawyers there who are shaping the future of the profession. Additionally, this year’s list introduces a new ‘Client Choice’ ranking to showcase lawyers in South China. 今年,ALB继续关注 于华南地区成绩卓越 的律师事务所、引领 未来发展方向的青年 律师才俊。同时,今年 的榜单新增“客户首 选律师”排名,呈现在 专业能力之外,以贴 心服务获得客户青睐 的华南律师。 Ranking by ALB, text by Hu Yangxiaoxiao With contribution from: • Han Kun Law Offices 汉坤律师事务所 FEATURES 22 Green potential 挖掘绿色潜力 In recent years, China has significantly strengthened its ESG regulations. Consequently, ESG-related legal services have evolved into a distinct area of practice within law firms. 过去几年,中国环 境、社会、治理领域 (ESG)规则日益健 全,ESG相关法律服 务也日渐成长为单独 的律所业务板块。目 前,ESG法律服务正 出现“行业化”趋势, 其对律师的创新能 力、综合判断也提出 了更高要求。 26 2024 ALB China IP Rankings 2024 ALB China 知识产权业务排名 ALB China unveils its annual IP rankings that identify the best law firms in China for IP work related to patents, trademarks, and copyrights. ALB China 一年一 度的知识产权业务排 名评选出了中国境内 专利、商标及版权业 务领域的市场领先 律所。 38 ALB Offshore Client Choice 2024 2024 ALB 客户首选离岸律师 Continuing our annual tradition, ALB is recognising outstanding lawyers working for offshore law firms across the region. 延续往年传统,ALB 再次评选出了亚洲离 岸律师事务所的杰出 法律执业者,上榜者 引领了亚洲离岸法律 服务的发展图景。 46 Finalists announced for the 21st annual ALB China Law Awards 二零二四年ALB中国 法律大奖入围名单 公布 After nearly three months of rigorous research, ALB is pleased to announce the shortlist for the 2024 ALB China Law Awards. 经过近3个月严谨调 26 2024 ALB CHINA IP RANKINGS 2024 ALB CHINA 知识产权业务排名 Image: Rob Nazh/